Chapter 41

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"My traps worked. I got dinner," Miriam said as she returned from her trek into the forest with two rabbits in her hands, both held with string, but she only froze in shock as she saw Balinor standing at the campsite with Merlin and Arthur. "What's he doing here?"

"He's agreed to return to Camelot with us," Arthur explained.

"He's agreed to help us," Merlin added, not knowing the nature of her conversation with him but knowing that she'd been upset by it.

She only eyed him.

"We'll see. Arthur, help me clean these. Merlin, we need more firewood."

"Merlin, take Balinor with you," Arthur ordered, also determined to find out what was said to make Miriam silent the entire journey to their current campsite.

As they left, Miriam sat down and drew her dagger, leaving a rabbit for Arthur to clean.


"I'm not telling you what he said, Arthur. All you need to know is that I asked him, I begged him to help us in Gaius' name, in your's, in the name of all the innocent people who were dying and he still said no."

Arthur only moved to sit next to her as he took her hands, forcing her to look up at him.

"He's here now, so whatever you said must've worked. And now we have a chance at saving Camelot. But before we do any of that, are you ok?"

She sighed heavily before shuffling a bit closer to Arthur and wrapping her arms around him, the prince not hesitating to hug her back as she buried her nose into his neck, no longer having to be wary of his wound.

"I'm better now," she said and Arthur smiled as he held her close, pressing a kiss to her hair.

"I'm glad."


Miriam and Arthur slept soundly around the fire as Merlin watched his father whittle something, so like the swords and spears Miriam used to whittle back in Ealdor. She was more like their father than he realised, than she realised.

"I wanted you and your mother, and even your sister despite me not knowing of her existence, to be safe. That is why I didn't return to Ealdor," he explained.

"We could've come with you," Merlin said, eyes watery after thinking of the conversation he'd had with Balinor as they collected firewood.

"What kind of life would you have had here?" Balinor asked, though moved by the notion.

"We would've been happy."

Balinor said nothing though he smiled.

"When we've finished in Camelot, I will take you to Ealdor," Merlin promised, smiling as his eyes lined with water. "I'm sure Miriam would be glad to come too."

"Hunith won't recognise me,"

"I see her in you," Balinor said.


"You have her kindness. And your sister..." Balinor hesitated. "Your sister, I see more of myself. The stubbornness," he said as Merlin chuckled. "She's brave, I can tell."

"She is. Braver than I am," Merlin confirmed.

"Tell me, is she renowned for her heart?"

Merlin's brows rose.

"How did you know?"

Balinor inhaled deeply.

"Being a Dragonlord is not something you choose. It's not something you're taught. It's a sacred gift and for thousands of years it's been handed down from father to son."

His breathing hitched.

"So, I'm a Dragonlord?"


"But I thought you said it was passed down from father to son?"

"You have many great gifts, Merlin, but a Dragonlord is not one of them."

"Why is that?"

Balinor swallowed thickly.

"Dragonlords have no daughters, but it is said that when one does, she will be the greatest and strongest in all of history."

Merlin's eyes moved to his sister's sleeping form.

"Mira's a Dragonlord?"

"There is a reason why she is known for her heart. It is unlike any other."

"How so?" Merlin questioned.

"Any magic trying to affect her heart, be it friend or foe, will not work."

"So, things like love enchantments and poisons that attack the heart will never work?"

"Nor healing spells. Her heart is immune to any kind of magic. "

Merlin sighed in realisation.

"That's what Kilgharrah meant when he said that she wasn't born powerless."

"But the only way to unlock that power, if she truly has it, is for her to face her first dragon," Balinor explained before blowing off the wood shavings from his carving and then standing. "You should get some rest. We have a long day tomorrow. Good night, son."

Merlin was at a loss for words, having wanted to hear someone say that to him his entire life.

"Sleep well, father." 

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