Chapter 84

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The original knights of the round table, along with Gaius, Gwen Merlin, Miriam and Arthur sat at a rectangular dining table as Lancelot regaled them with the tale of how he survived, his wife on his left as the resurrected man sat opposite the king.

"I fear I remember very little after the moment I stepped through the veil," he began, Gwen's eyes still moist and her hand never having left her husband's. "My story will not be as illuminating as I would like."

"We're just pleased to see you. Well, pleased and amazed," Arthur said as he spoke for the table, Miriam giving a fake smile for she didn't trust him.

"I owe everything to the Madhavi people. When they found me I was near death. Luckily for me, their customs dictate that they must give food and shelter to the needy. And I was certainly that."

"Where did they find you?" Leon asked.

"On one of the Silk Road passes high in the Feorre Mountains," he answered.

"Cenred's kingdom," Elyan said.

"Or what was Cenred's kingdom," Miriam murmured.

"I travelled with them for many weeks, deep into the deserts of the south. Then slowly, my strengths returned. When I was able, I earned my passage the only way I know how – by the sword."

The table was a mass of soft chuckles and small smiles.

"Then I slowly made my way north."

"You made your way home," Arthur corrected as Lancelot nodded.

The king then took his wife-to-be's hand, Miriam sparing him a glance.

"We can't thank you enough for what you sacrificed on the Isle of the Blessed. It will be remembered always."

"It is indeed good to see you," Lancelot said though his eyes lingered on Miriam. "I would like to propose a toast," he said as he stood, removing his hand from Gwen's and startling the girl a little. "To the people I hold most dear. To Camelot."

"To Camelot," they echoed as they raised their glasses and Miriam exchanged a look between her and Gwen and then her brother.

Something wasn't right.


As usual, Miriam had been right.

After Miriam had told her brother of her feeling, he took it upon himself to talk to Lancelot as he escorted him home to Gwen who was planning a surprise for him, and had discovered that the knight had seemed to forget that Merlin had magic.

Lancelot would never do that.

There was something wrong with him but until they could prove it or find out what, they were left with no choice but to welcome him back with open arms.

Meanwhile, Morgana was delivering Agravaine a bracelet for Lancelot to present to Miriam. Her true intentions were to break up the happy couple, the bracelet enchanted to twist her heart and make her fall for Lancelot. She had a backup plan, however, should it not work for any reason.

On the eve of her wedding, Miriam was surprised to find her friend's husband at the door to her rooms in the palace, a temporary situation until she could move into Arthur's rooms when they got married the next day.

"Lancelot? What can I do for you? Is everything alright? Is Gwen –"

"Everything's fine," he assured her with a small smile, the girl still very distrusting of him. "Gwen is preparing a lunch for us seeing as Arthur gave her the week off to spend with me, but Gwaine told me where to find you. Might I come in?"

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