Chapter 42

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Miriam and Merlin, however, were startled awake as Arthur hauled them up.

"Cenred's men!" he warned and Miriam wasted no time in drawing her sword, readying herself in a defensive position.

And just as Arthur predicted, Cenred's soldiers swarmed their campsite.

Arthur was forced deeper into the forest by the group of three that circled him but Miriam wasn't worried because he'd faced worse odds and come out on top.

What worried her was when Merlin cried out, eyes glowing gold as he blasted a soldier back, Balinor held in his hands as they both fell to the floor.

"Merlin! MERLIN GO! I'll take care of him. You can't help him, your healing spells aren't strong enough! Now go!" Miriam yelled at him as she shoved her sword towards him and he ran off.

"I see your brother has his father's talent," Balinor struggled as Miriam ripped fabric from her tunic to press to both sides of his wound.

"Hang on! You're going to be fine," she promised.

"Re-remember when you face the dragon, be strong. A dragon's heart is on its right side, not its left," he strained.

"You can tell me that yourself when we face the dragon," she said, not wanting to believe that he was truly dying as tears leaked out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miriam, that we didn't get a chance, b-but I've seen enough in you both t-to know.....that you will make me proud."

Balinor was fading too fast as Miriam stopped trying to staunch the blood flow, cradling his head as she cried, wishing she could take back her resentment and all the bitter feelings she'd had towards him.

"Father, please don't leave me."

His hand trembled as it grazed her cheek.

"My daughter."

And Miriam sobbed as her father went limp in her arms.


Miriam's hands didn't stop shaking the entire time, her skin still stained with Balinor's blood.

"What happened?" Gaius asked as he entered their room, Merlin kneeling in front of his sister as he washed the blood from her hands, his own still shaking as he also tried not to cry.

"I - I couldn't save him," Miriam stuttered.

"Merlin?" Gaius questioned, the boy still very silent.

"He said that the Dragonlord's gift is passed down from father to son."

"That is true," Gaius confirmed as Miriam's eyes widened.

"So, you're a Dragonlord? You can stop Kilgharrah," she said as her brother's eyes lifted up to her.

"No. You can."

"Merlin, what are you talking about?" asked Gaius as he stood at the foot of Merlin's bed.

"Dragonlords have never had daughters. But Balinor said that when one does, she would be the strongest and most powerful in all their history. He also said that your heart is different."

"What do you mean?" Miriam asked, her hands still in Merlin's.

"You weren't born powerless. Your heart is immune to any and all magic affecting it, poisons, love enchantments, healing spells, none of it will affect you."

"I don't know how that information helps us now," Miriam pointed out as Gaius sat next to her.

"Miriam, your father wasn't dead. It's only now that you can inherit his powers."

"The first and only time I've faced Kilgharrah, he wounded Arthur and almost killed me. Do you really think that I'm strong enough to face him?" Miriam asked nervously as she let go of Merlin's hands and he moved to sit on her other side, pulling out the little dragon sculpture that Balinor had whittled and handed it to his sister.

"You've always been strong enough," he said with a small smile as she rested her head on his shoulder, holding the dragon tightly, the dragon she would soon have to face.


"About time. Are you done braiding his hair yet? Because all the knights are ready to go, we are literally just waiting on you," Miriam said as she pushed off the wall next to Arthur's chamber doors.

"Let me guess. You're coming too?" Arthur sighed as Miriam grinned at him.

"Well, I'm not wearing all this armour for nothing."

Arthur chuckled before saying, "Well at least you have more of a chance with a sword than Merlin."

"Hey!" the boy exclaimed as the duo chuckled before Miriam tucked herself under Merlin's arm, smiling but still sad inside as she needed his support the most.

"You know I love you, big brother," she said sincerely as she squeezed him and he squeezed her back.

"I love you too."

Arthur just watched on with a small smile, missing his own sister before he placed a hand on Merlin's shoulder.

"Time to go."

And to their deaths, they walked.


All but a few of the knights were alive, unconscious but alive as Kilgharrah landed in the clearing, torching half of them

Miriam had just gotten up off the ground to see Arthur stand with a spear poised at Kilgharrah, only for the dragon to spit fire.

"ARTHUR!" she screamed as the pillar of flames hit the ground with such force that Miriam and Merlin were knocked off their feet as Arthur rolled out of the way of the fire and thrust his spear into Kilgharrah 's shoulder.

The dragon roared in pain as it reared on its hind legs only for it to come down and knock Arthur to the ground.

But the scream that tore itself out of Miriam's mouth this time was twin to that of the dragon's roar as she jumped to her feet, a warm glow coming from beneath her armour where her heart would be as Kilgharrah turned to her.

Merlin watched in amazement as his sister spoke in a language foreign to his ears, a language that made Kilgharrah calm as he bowed his head to her.

"Whatever wrongs I have done Merlin," the dragon spoke and Miriam's eyes darted to her brother who stood armed with Arthur's spear. "Do not make me responsible for the death of my noble breed," Kilgharrah pleaded.

"Merlin, don't!" Miriam shouted as her brother thrust the spear but didn't let go as the dragon flinched but was unharmed.

"GO! LEAVE!" Merlin bellowed but Kilgharrah only turned to Miriam who reached up her hand.

Obeying her command he lowered his head, pressing his snout to her palm.

"You are the last of your kind and your attack against Camelot was warranted, but the killings of over 100 innocent people....if my brother or I ever need your help Kilgharrah, you will give it freely. And you will never attack Camelot again. We have given you mercy, now please, show it to others."

The dragon raised his head as he stared down at them.

"What you have shown me is what you will be," he said. "I will never forget your clemency, nor your kindness," he said first to Merlin and then to Miriam.

And with that Kilgaragh flew off into the night.

"What happened?" Arthur asked as he woke.

"We dealt him mortal blows. We did it," Miriam explained as Arthur collapsed back on the ground in amazement.

And Camelot was safe once more.

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