Chapter 2: The Talk

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Teresa's POV

It was hot inside his car. Dim light was making it impossible to not look into his eyes. Oh god! His eyes. I turned my face to inspect his face, but his eyes were catching my attention every time. Those honey brown eyes looked a darker shade of brown in the car. Thick eyelashes and long eyes. I didn’t know why I was attracted to him so strongly when it was only a few minutes after our meeting.

Despite all the sweet current running in my veins, I stayed aware of my surroundings and the streets we had been crossing. My heart was beating fast that if someone would listen closely, they could hear it. But, I, being the stubborn, didn’t let my fear reach my eyes. The beauty of this man might intimidate me, but he could be the beast.

Didn’t you just agreed to have a ride with him? My mind scolded me.

He lifted his head and I swear my heart might have skipped a beat as we looked at each other. His eyes shining like flames of the long-burning sun, resting in the clouds of dawn. Isn’t it considered as bad manners to look at someone like that? I checked myself to collect the drool I might have dropped on the seat. Thankfully, there was none.

My cheeks tinted red when I realized I stared at him for longer than I could have. I said, “Sorry for looking at you like that.”

“You know I am not gonna bite and I completely understand that you are a little nervous, but again, I am of no harm to you.”

“Yeah right. I was keeping details of your face. You know, just in case you change your mind and kidnap me.” I rolled my eyes.

“And why do I have a feeling that if I try, you will ruin my face for the rest of my life?”

“Who knows? I mean, I don’t know!” I narrowed my eyes at him, keeping my face straight as I bit my lower lip to contain the laugh inside me.

“By the way, I am Teresa… Teresa Smith. And you have a beautiful, if no one has ever told you that.” I said, amidst the quietness. With every passing minute, silence was becoming unbearable to me. The more I stayed quiet, the worst my mind thought.

His lips lifted upward in a genuine smile. “Thank you, Miss Smith. So... what do you do for a living?”

“I am a software engineer in the US.” Excitement and proudness was clear in my voice. I was always happy about what I have become. It was hard and exhausting, but it was always what I needed and it was worth every penny. This career was pre-decided, with a sentimental value. Since the death of my father, all I cared about was an escape, not drugs or alcohol, but something that would give the adrenal rush to me. And that was that.

“You are?” His eyes widened, and anger rushed through my system.

Typical stereotype.

“Yes, I am a software engineer. You know, people always think that I did not mean this field for women, like every other field. But to be honest, if it were not this female species of humans, this world would never have been able to use smartphones and touch screens and space launches.”

He looked at me, his brows raised.

“I didn’t mean to reflect my amusement like that. Of course, you can be whatever you want. All you have to have is courage. I was amused because your personality looked so dynamic and I thought you were a college student. Well, because you looked so young.”

Oh! Stupid judgemental trait of mine.

“Oh.. sorry. Yeah, I am 24.”

“That’s interesting. I am 30, in case our curiosity rise.”

“Nice. So, what do you do for a living? I mean, not that I am interested, but I should know about my kidnapper before being kidnapped.” I made puppy eyes at him.

This time he gave me a grin and said “I run my business.”

“Well, that justifies this car. What type of business?”

“Oil industry.” he said. A plain answer for a plain question, showing to shut my mouth and not to annoy.

“That’s so cool.”

“What did you think I do?” His voice echoed in the silence of our brief journey, breaking the comfort I felt.

“Mafia,” I said, and his eyes widened at my remark. I laughed at his dumb expression. Not going to lie, that some part of me felt relieved to know there was no danger. “I was running through every scenario in my mind. I thought you were in the mafia.”

Then, I did the stupidest thing in the world that even I wouldn’t have thought of. I took both my hands together, index finger and middle finger sticking together straight in his direction, whereas the thumb rested on my palm. Pretending it to be the gun, I pointed my hands towards the driver’s seat, then at Alex, and finally at me. I stuck my tongue out as if pretending to be dead.

“I mean, I thought you were some don or a leader who kills for joy. Who knows if you transport the oil or boil everyone who pisses you in it.” He cringed at me for a few seconds as his mouth lifted in a disgusting expression. I think I was stupid until the driver followed his chuckle.

The car engine halted, and my eyes drifted to my left, behind Alex. There, my hotel, all lit up with lights and night rush. For some seconds, I stared at the building beyond with a tight knot in my stomach. Things got comfortable around him and I reached my hotel. That meant only one thing: goodbye. I might never see him, his beautiful eyes, might never hear his deep voice, but he made me feel safe.

My strong stubborn personality never allowed me to take help from anyone, never to rely on someone or be the burden. I knew my dad wanted me to be like that, self-independent. But that strange knot was screaming in my head to devour the face of this man sitting to my left, for one last time. Truth to be told, he was very handsome.

“Here I go. Thank you, Alex.” I opened the gate and climbed out. Relief rushed through my body when I saw him waiting for me to enter safely before his departure.

C’mon, don’t be so adamant about not saying a last thank you, my subconscious scolded me.

I cursed under my breath and ran towards his car one more time. He lifted his mirror down as if sensing my presence. His face subtle and restful, waiting to listen to me.

“mmm... I… I just wanted to say thank you again, Alex. Thank you for dropping me here and making me feel safe.”

Something shifted in his face. Something my words could have triggered.

“Well, no thanks if you are still planning to kidnap me.” lightly, oh so lightly, his lips twitched to contain the smile.

“It was my pleasure to be in your company, Miss Smith.”

I finally waved him goodbye and headed towards my room.

My tiredness barked at me to sleep with make-up on, but I somehow washed my face and changed into nightclothes. As soon as I closed my eyes, I escaped reality into a dream world.

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