Chapter 28: I love her

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Alex's POV

A fit of terror made me vulnerable when Mark snapped at me to rush to the hospital. My hands shook as I placed it under her shoulder and another at the hollow of her knees. With buckled knees, I stood up and made my way downstairs. I was frantic to rush to the hospital that I didn't notice two guards rushing in my direction. I glared at them while walking towards the open gates, to night light similar to the darkness within me. Mark, with panic written over his face, trespassed me to the car to ignite the engine. There was no time to call the ambulance when every breath of Teresa was at risk. I had to rush to the hospital. I had to get there to treat my girl. I had to, and no one could stop me. A tear slid down my eyes, which were red with anger and distress. Within seconds I was inside the car, praying silently and loud to the gods up above the clouds. Not praying, but making a promise. A promise to burn down those who did it to the ashes if anything happens to her.

Every moment I spent with her came in front of me like a flashback. My brain couldn't decipher between the real and fake, and all I could want was it to be a bad dream. When I woke up and I would tangle her in my arms. How come my life became this dependent on her? Just how?

"Get some fucking speed mark." I barked, with gritted teeth from the backside. Teresa laying on my lap.

I patted her cheek, hoping to wake her up. More tears slid down the more I looked at her. I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket and dialled Nate, a friend of mine and a doctor working there, and commanded him to be on standby once I reach. Wasn't my worst fear happening in front of my eyes? Weren't the people who wanted to have what I own, reaching for it using her? Hold up to me, baby, please.

Mark parked the car in front of the emergency OPD entry gates and opened the gates. Two nurses were rushing in our direction with a stretcher, followed by Nate behind them, a white coat and stethoscope hanging in his hand. They took her to the OT, and I released a sigh I was holding.

I saw Mark from the corner of my eyes, standing behind me. I grabbed him by the colour of his neck and inhaled sharply. Slowly, I pulled my head close to him without leaving eye contact. He flinched. Good, fear me because I had enough of trouble for her.

"Didn't I put my god damn trust in you to protect her in my absence?" my voice was low. Very low to not lose my fucking mind because I think I was on the verge. Why wouldn't I be? Why wouldn't I lose my mind when my world, my girl, my love, was lying on a hospital bed fighting for her life?

"Y-yes, sir"

"Then why the fuck is she hurt? Why the fuck did someone come into my house... In my fucking house to attack her? Did you see the blood? The cut she had on her throat and... fuckkk the bruises and..." I yelled, no longer keeping myself together or caring about the place I was in.

"Sir, please compose yourself."

"Compose me? How? How Mark? Get out of my eyesight and increase the security here. No one except you and Jacob comes near this room."

"Yes sir. And... umm... she will be fine, sir."

With that, he flew to do his duties. I called Jacob to cancel all my meetings for this week and explained to him the reason for his continuous blabbering. He panicked, rushing towards me within. Before he could say anything, Nate stood in front of me. I raised my brows at him. He pursed his lips in a thin line as he cleared his throat. My fingers curled into a fist at it. He took a step toward me, and my eyes twitched to hold the tears of frustration.

"We were able to stabilize her. She was lucky to be here in time and the injuries were mild. She had a concussion on her head, probably because of the fall and the punch on her head. I cannot say for how long she would be unconscious, maybe until the swelling in her head goes. But she will be fine. You can go inside."

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