Chapter 18: Night

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Teresa's POV

Things go up, things go down. What a strange curve of events. An immense weight lifted my shoulders after telling my story to Alex, and strangely, it was not awkward as it had been with Jessica and Jerry. Alex and I had this comfortable aroma all around us, and now that we agreed on giving a chance to each other and figuring out where things would go, I did not feel hesitant to share the bits of my past with him.

My father. The man I loved so dearly and so much that I doubt I could ever love anyone that much. He was my everything. A friend when I had none in school, a guardian when I felt weak and needed support. Let's just say that time after his death was difficult, and the greatest example of this was the month after his death when I subconsciously used to open the door for him in the evening and cry at the doorsteps, remembering that he was not there. NOt with me.

I still remember on my 13th birthday, how he tried to make pasta and how miserably he failed. Well, we had to reconstruct the entire kitchen, which had stains of sauce and black smoke. He was the person who could light up anyone's mood within seconds. Always joking around, smiling and meeting everyone. Even though he had bad days, he showed no one what he felt.

My mother, Eliana, was never so distant. Maybe because I thought she had a demanding job, or she focused on her own little business. My resilience was one of her genes, along with her sheer focus. But, my father, he was the one I had all my trust in. One time in my 8th grade, one boy bullied me in front of the entire class because I was not up to his standards and, well, boring. My dad, the next day, pulled the boy by the collar and asked him to say sorry. The next day, a boy came. into class, wearing one of my frocks and tiny ponytail, and said sorry to me. Behind him stood my father, smirking. The entire class laughed and got the warning to never touch e principal was a good friend of my father, hence; he appreciated the gesture.

He always looked slim and muscular. Not the bulky type. A square face with thin lips and a little nose, but he was handsome. Thankfully, I got my features from Eliana. I mean, who doesn't want full lips to flaunt the nude lipstick shades?

I exited Alex's office to set up my computer and other essential items in my room. He was trying to keep me safe, but it would be too much to share a room with him. I reached and did my set-up. My computer table at the right side of the room, opposite to bed, on which I have my curved apple desktops, keyboard and mouse/ At the extreme right of it I place my tablet and other stationery items.

If someone thinks it was boring, let them be. Not boring for a computer enthusiast like me.

With a sigh of satisfaction, I crawled back into the living room, roaming my fingers in the white leather chair as I reached the couch. I sat on the couch, with my feet on the sofa as I hugged my knees. When I reached his office this noon, my heart twisted in weird ways when I saw him. The frown he had on his face, or the way his facial muscles were tensed. I had this urge in me to rip the world or do anything in my power to make that tension go away. And dare I say that when I showed him the face of the thief, he relaxed visibly.

But I still could not get over his brother. What would he have said to him to make him this angry? All I could get was that in that conversation, his eyes met mine more than he talked with his brother. From the pocket of my trouser, my phone beeped, making me snatch away from my thoughts as I saw Jessica's name.

"Hye," I said, placing the phone on my ear.

"It's a video call, dumb girl," Jessica said, and I blinked, giggling I put the phone in front of my face.

"Hye, how are you?"

Jessica moved the camera to her bump as the baby came into full display. "Hey god-mommy, how are you? I am fine, mommy is also fine and I miss you, so I make mommy miss you, too." Jessica said in a baby voice.

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