Chapter 50: He betrayed

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Teresa’s POV

Silence. Deep to the depths of the ocean. I was sitting on concrete with an arse frozen to death, resembling the properties of the floor itself. I did not know how many hours passed or how many more for the torture to come. Yet, it felt Robert’s visit was minutes ago. I tried to scratch the clotted blood on my face with the corner of my shoulder, but to avail.

What would destiny play with? How come the people I despised the most had to have a deal with Alex in the same timeline and I had to meet him? How did an opportunist like Robert grabs the attention and pull the weakest string? Don’t ask me the why of everything, because I had no idea! I cleared my dry throat as my eyes struck the half-empty bowl to my left. How generous of the ruthless stone heart to provide me with food. I would have spat into the bowl if it was not for the baby.

A shiver ran down my spine. He had used some drugs to sedate me into unconsciousness, and I wonder if it could have harmed the bud growing inside me.

I clenched my jaw, body turning stiff at the crackling sound of the wooden door scraping through the surface, opening and making me suck all the air in the room as the figure loomed over me.

Robert stepped foot inside, followed by Adam.

I couldn’t configure who I hate more. Adam or Robert? Hmm, maybe both of them, but differently.

The rush of heat that surrounded my heart at the sight of Adam made me want to commit a murder right there as if one more second and I will burn into flames and listen to his screams. Painful… too painful unanswered memories flashed in my mind when Adam locked his eyes on me, narrowing them to a millimetre. I had a very good guess that he wanted me to lower the gaze, but if this was the end of me, I would not let my guards down. When he saw I was not looking down at the floor, or trembling with fear, faster than the speed of sound, his leg flew and landed on my face. Bloody bastard. I spat blood right at his foot. The extra confidence and courage filled my guts, and satisfaction rolled inside at Adam clenching his jaw. His eyes were turning red.

“You are one hell of a stubborn girl. That bastard didn’t raise you with manners.”

Oh, how I wish my legs and hands were free and I would scratch his face with my bare hands and then take pleasure in cutting him piece by piece. “Don’t you dare mention him on your filthy tongue!”

He bend down on his knees and grabbed my jaw tight, the pad of his fingers escalating the burning sensation of pain. “And why the hell not? After all, he was the one who made things difficult for me from starting.”

“What do you mean?”

His breath fanned my cheek as he laughed, and I wanted to puke right there. Utterly, filthy, and disgusting. “I mean, he would have been with you if he didn’t turn the plans upside down that day and betrayed us. Why do you think Eliana never divorced him in the first place? Huh?”

“I see, you are talking about me?” From the door slid a lean figure of Eliana and stood next to Robert, who I forgot was there all along. The sleek black knee-length dress with a pearl necklace did nothing to increase the inner beauty of her heart. Her face was an epitome of fakeness under the layer of makeup. She met Robert’s gaze and nodded deeply. He returned the gesture and went out of the dark room.

The beating of my heart was painfully fast. It took everything in me to control the crackling of the teeth and to steady the shaking of my hands. Eliana took a deep breath and came closer to me, Adam standing next to her.

“Why?” Before I could think aloud, words left my mind.

Realisation settled in their eyes. Why did you kill him? Why are you doing all of this now that you have everything? Most importantly, why was I and dad never enough for you, Eliana?

That One RideTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon