chapter 15: Father

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Teresa’s POV

The laziness of morning came crashing into my peace as sunrays peeked through the window. An unfamiliar scent awakened the very being of mine, a scene so familiar yet distant. My nose poked through a hard surface, while my head rested on a soft pillow and the tight grip around my waist was like the most comfortable shackles. I opened one eye, making the vision settle the morning blueness only to meet by a hard rock muscular body laying beside me in nothing but trousers.

I sat up abruptly as vague memories settled in my stomach and a powerful urge to puke came over the surface. I remembered meeting Adam, running out of the venue, and arguing with Alex. But what happened afterwards was like a blank space to me, so opaque that it still felt like a dream. I touched his bicep with an index finger, making sure the body as hard as brick was indeed lying next to me.

I took a long breath and exhaled like a balloon losing its air when punctured.

I rested my left elbow on corresponding knee as I massaged the corner of my head with finger pads. Another moment of silence later, my attention drawn towards the room. His room. And I have slept with him in his house. Oh, my god. How could I ever control the butterflies inside my stomach at the mere thought of spending my night next to such a beautiful man?

Glancing towards him from the corner of my eyes, my shoulders slump down visibly as a wind of relaxation settled inside. His honey brown orbs hidden beneath the curtains of eyelids, lashes resting peacefully on the cheek. For a second, I felt jealous of how long and thick his eyelashes naturally are. Then my eyes travelled down the path of his throat, to the broad shoulders perfectly roped in muscles followed by powerful arms. It was the first time I examined his broad chest and the abs… god damn the existence of mine at the vision before me. Six abs aligned in all its glory.

I cleared my throat and stood up as Alex stirred in his sleep.

With a smile over my lips, I went to the bathroom and took a nice cold shower, changing into one of his t-shirts and joggers.

Since the house was empty and my innocent heart betrayed the possibility of shouting in his ears until he get up with sweat shining his forehead, I tiptoed downstairs towards the kitchen. Seems like the right decision by the sound of grumbling my stomach made. As if a gorilla burped.

Moments later, the kitchen smelled like coffee, washing away every ounce of sleep I had inside.

I took a pan out and drizzle some olive oil to make a nice omelet. He had helped me yesterday, and did not take a chance to drop me at the apartment. Alex was there with me… he was there for me and the moment he held me in his arms, the panic attack seemed like a distant memory. His presence, the scent of him, him being there for me, felt like rain to a wildfire. I expected nightmares like the day I saw Adam at the alley, and yet there were none what so ever. I accept that me entering his house, changing into his clothes and sleeping on his bed was not as clear in my mind as it should be, because I was in a frozen state of panic.

“When did you wake up?” Alex said in a whisper behind my back, making me jump on the spot as the unprotected egg fell down from my hands. I looked at him with a frown and clenched my jaw when his eyes softened and pain reflected towards me. I spun my head toward the gas stove, hiding the burning pain in my eyes. Out of everything in his eyes, or anyone for that matter, pity was the last thing I wanted to seek.

“I-I don’t know. Maybe an hour ago.” I said, as I cracked, picked the cup and started pouring coffee for both of us. He opened his mouth and closed with a nod. My lips lifted upwards. “I made breakfast for us. Come sit, I will serve you.”
“oh, you did?”

I smiled, nodding as we sat together at the table.

“I-uh- have called the doctor to look at your wounds. The check up will be discrete.”

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