Chapter 44: Surprise

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Teresa's POV

Amelia McOwen. This woman before me was grinning like a five-year-old gawking at its most priced toy in the store. I opened the door wide for her to barge inside with her suitcase and the elephant stuff toy. Isn’t she too old for that toy? Of course she was. She sat on the living room couch, spreading her leg on the centre table, and I smiled at her.

“I am sorry if I was rude before. You can call me Teresa. Would you like some water? I was just preparing breakfast, and now we all can have it.” I said, my voice low.

She flashed her teeth at me, scratching the temple with her nail. “No, thank you. I am fine. Let Alexie come so we can all have breakfast. You are more beautiful than mom said, my future sister-in-law.”

“He did not tell me you are coming today,” I said as I took a place on Alex’s white leather chair, hiding the blush that went all the way from my cheeks to ears.

The corner of her lip turned upward in a smirk. “Oh, he doesn’t know I am here, though.”

I raised my brows at her as I dusted my hands on the apron. I stood up and extend my hand toward her. “Then let’s surprise your brother in the kitchen. Shall we?”

We reached the kitchen, and she sat on the chair left to the head table. I served her apple juice when her footsteps of Alex echoed in the kitchen. “What have you prepared for breakfast, my love? Not that I would mind the thing between your legs for my mornings,” he said, unaware of his surroundings.

The juice Amelia was sipping came out of her nose and fell over the table. I stood in my place, frozen to death, as I avoided the gaze of Amelia when she gagged with her lips curled in a disgusting look. I mentally slapped myself and Alex. Didn’t he hear the doorbell? Poor girl just had the trauma of her life. Alex came into my vision, tugging his cufflinks with heads down. The smirk on his face wiped out of his face when he saw the back of Amelia, his brows knitted in confusion. Amelia stood up, pushing the chair with a scratch as she slowly turned her face. Alex’s face went pale, drained of the colours with the realisation that he uttered such words in front of her sister. Then, his eyes went wide and his lips fell apart when the presence of his sister synced in his system.

Brain processing speed? Caterpillar! Period!

“qu’est-ce que tu fous ici?” he said.
(What the fuck are you doing here?)

Amelia pursed her lips together as she nodded her head once. “cher frère aîné. cher frère aîné? Merci de m’avoir traumatisé tôt le matin.”
(Dear elder brother. How are you? Thank you for traumatizing me early in the morning.)

I was standing between them with pancakes in my hands, promising myself to join French classes as soon as possible because I can’t understand a word the siblings were uttering. And I hate feeling dumb. I mean, all those months in Paris with a French man had my knowledge of the language like an infant blabbering in gibberish.

Amelia reached for Alex’s open arms as tears fell down her cheeks. The whole family had hidden the truth about Robert from Amelia, and why would they not? After two minutes in the company of this beauty and I already liked the innocence on her face. I cleared my throat as I put breakfast on the table, sitting on the right of the head seat. The bubble they both were in cracked as Amelia wiped her tears with the hem of Alex’s coat, making me giggle. “Now that the mighty McOwen has made his dramatic entry, let’s enjoy the breakfast.”

Alex reached for the seat, pecking at my lips as we had our breakfast. The brother and sister duo engaged themselves and I gave them privacy to take a shower.

I reached downstairs when Alex met my gaze, grinning in all his glory. He had his briefcase in his hands. “Where is Amelia?” I asked.

“She is in the guest room, taking a shower.” I nodded as I pursed my lips. I took a step closer to him, resting my hand on his abdomen.

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