Chapter 35: Language of Love

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Y'all are the love of my life. So, here are the chocolates 🍫🍫🍫🍫 but... For those who have already liked, and reviewed my story.

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Love to all.

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Teresa's POV

I was sitting on the kitchen island, sipping the hot chocolate in my system. A perfect Saturday. On my right, I had Jessica on a video call with me on a tablet. Since Alex told me no disturbance, I plugged in my Bluetooth earpiece.

“Are you ever going to quit chocolate?” She said through the screen, holding David to her breast as he enjoyed his afternoon lunch.

“Why you don’t love me enough to accept the fact that chocolate comes before you?”

She rolled her eyes as she showed me her middle finger. “So, what’s up with your boyfriend’s parents? You did not give me the details.”

“You are always up for gossip. I am not giving you any news besides the fact that things are… umm… let’s say the train is on the platform, ready to take the pace. You tell me, how is it being a new mom?” I smiled at her, taking another sip from my mug.

I thought about the situation. In fact, in one of our late night discussion sessions, Alex and I talked about it. He even talked to his mother over breakfast. No matter if it was a one-minute quick call, he tried and I was proud of him for trying. It had been four days since I asked him to move back to US, and gods if he did not give me a hell of a lecture again in the morning. Of course, I listened. Because, yeah well, I accept he was more sensible than my logistics.

David whimpered in Jessica’s arms as she changed his direction from left to right. “Oh, Tee, I cannot even explain. It is the most tiring yet beautiful thing in this world. I mean, I am on the verge of getting depressed, but then this cute little munchkin looks at me and I am like, God! What have I done to get this angle? AnD hE is sO sMarT liKe hIs Daddy!” Last line she said in gibberish while looking at David, who was milk drunk by then in her arms.

I felt like jumping out of the screen and holding that little bundle of joy in my arms.

“Hmm… bags under your eyes say very much about your situation.”

“When are you gonna make babies with that hot daddy of yours?” She said. And I choked on my hot chocolate.

My eyes widened at her remarks. Thank goodness I had earplugs on, otherwise, mother earth had to show her kindness to sink me in with her. She, on the other hand, was smirking like an idiot at my reaction. “Oh my god, Jessie! You are insane. I am not into this daddy stuff like you, so I suggest you stop right there. Thank god he is not anywhere near me.”

“Why? I would have loved his reaction, though.”

“No! And he is insanely getting restless since I suggested moving back to the US.”

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