Chapter 46: You lied

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Teresa's POV

I was heading to my room when Jacob came and squealed when he saw Amelia. I smiled at him as he returned the gesture with a warm brotherly hug, but I was not feeling anything. Ever since the pregnancy tests came positive, either I was feeling too much or nothing.

"I can't sniff the alpha vibes. Where is he?" Jacob said.

My lips tugged upwards slightly. "Let me call him. He is in the office."

What was Nesta and he talking about? I mean, wouldn't it be an invasion of their privacy? But again, why should I care I was his girlfriend, the mother of his child? Unconsciously, my hand rubbed my belly as my feet stopped at his office door. The small light peeked through the crack of an open door with whispers of Nesta's angry voice.

"You need to tell her before anyone else does. It's important."

"I don't think I dare to say that Eliana is not her biological mother." He said in an annoyed tone.

Not my biological mother? What the fuck is he talking about?

"What did you just say?" I asked, practically watching all the blood drain from his face with horror at being caught in red light. Nesta blew a sigh of sadness with wide eyes as she shook her head, but I was too dumbfounded to not tear my gaze from her bewildered face of Alex.

"What the hell did you just say, Alex?" I asked again. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out of it.

Instead, Nesta turned to me with glossy eyes knitted together. "Honey, listen to me, please."

I held my hand high in the air, shutting her up with the palm. My eyes threw daggers at her as the anger build in my core, burning the heart that was crushing in pieces. "I did not ask you, Mrs McOwen. Now if you can give me and my boyfriend some privacy, please."

She cleared her throat and sent a pity to look in my direction as she exited with a soft shut of the door, letting me breathe in the thick air. I averted my eyes from her, not feeling the correct way of reacting to it.

"I-I... baby, listen to me, please," Alex said.

I stood there in my place as if the earth itself glued my feet and raised my brows at him. My heart was beating fast in my chest and my breathing was turning shallow with every moment of silence. I took a deep breath to control the panic attack. "I am listening."

He looked down at my feet, not looking into my eyes out of shame or embarrassment. "it's true. Eliana is not your biological mother."

Everything crashed in my mind. Every moment of my childhood, where I used to come home to the heavenly smell of food cooked by her and we ate dinner as a family. Every kiss my father had given Eliana before leaving for work. The times when she applied the cream on the scratch I had in the park. It was all a lie? A fucking lie my father hid from me and Eliana... even if there was no bond left in us, she was the only truth I believed in... the only truth that my mother killed my father. But now I did not know what to believe. And as much as I wanted to hate her, my heart ached for the motherly touches she used to give me in childhood...

"When were you going to tell me?"

"I don't know. I did not have it in me to break the truth to you, but I promised to speak up as soon as I can."

I chuckled dryly at the pathetic excuse. That is when it hit me hard, like a brick. He knew all this time. He knew and did not dare tell me... let alone give a hint to me whenever I asked. When I met them in his office before our trip, he knew it then and that's what she was trying to inform me. My throat felt dry as if speaking was the toughest task to do. "H-how long did you know?" I asked.

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