Chapter 41: Paradise

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Teresa's POV

After a long 16 hour flight, Alex and I concluded that fuck the hotel tour and go straight to bed to handle the jet lag. On my way inside, I got tiny details of our temporary home for a week, the spacious living room was followed by an extremely large room king sized bed with floor to ceiling window, ventilating the room at its fine.

The rest of the things could be delayed.

Since Indonesia is 6 hours ahead of France, it was dawn when we reached and we had a good 4hours nap. My muscles were still sore, but I fluttered my eyes open, my head resting on Alex's chest, who was sleeping like a baby. His barely audible snores make his chest rise and fall beneath my cheek.

I lifted my head, placing a kiss on his chest, rising the direction of my kiss train to his collarbone, jaw, cheekbones, his forehead and eyes. I shifted my hips a little to hover over him as I pecked his lips, smiling over them. He shifted a tad, brows furrowed in anticipation as I massaged his hair. Fingers tangled in his dark black hair locks. I leaned forward to his ears, tucking the earlobe with my teeth gently, "Wake up, choco pie."

"5 more minutes," he said, voice horse and sleep drive.

"We have not come here to sleep. Wake up, I am hungry."

He inhaled a sharp breath and sat on his hips. I flipped the sheets from me, standing at the corner of the bed smiling at him. He returned the gesture with a wink, making me roll my eyes. Even though he is in his early thirties, the boyish appearance never fail its cuteness after sleeping face. And... I was a needy bitch for his touch now.

I tort out my hand as an invitation for the tour.

He smirked and held my hand, leading me to the balcony facing the bed. My eyes widened at the view before me. To my right was an infinity glass pool with 2 sun loungers hidden under an umbrella, taking my breath away. The wooden floor under my feet was perfectly polished. I tripped a little as Alex dragged my attention to the left with a small balcony dinner setup and a... bed! I looked over at Alex, who was smirking like a stupid teenager. But the bed was beautiful, covered in white sheets with a white lacy canopy. Hmm... romantic.

That was the least bit of attraction when I lifted my eyes to look beyond the pool. A green bed of trees ripped by a crystal clear sky from the horizon, shining like dreamy heaven in all shapes and colours. The sky glimmering with morning sun, mixed with a tad orange warmth. There was nothing beyond us except that. Except those different shaped trees cut by a mountain, hiding the sun under its embrace. Nature is beautiful. But, as calm as in Bali? I doubt that.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"It is," Alex said.

We spent the rest of the day in blurred memories of having different cuisines: Indian, Indonesian, recommendations of Alex and went to bed straight, exhausted from the still existing jet lag.


It was the third day of our trip and we were heading to Tanjung Benoa for water jetpacks and fly-boarding. I was nervous, but Alex assured me that he had done it a few times and we would be fine.

I shrugged at the thought on our way. Previous days had been eventful too, resting and visiting remarkable natural sites. We travelled to historic sites, but everything was surreal with Alex. Did I ask him the previous night why Bali? We could have gone to Switzerland for natural beauty if that was needed. His reply was simple. I wanted peace in a tight space with fewer people around; he told me.

"Come on, we are here." He said.

I smiled, grabbing his hand to lead the way. Thank goodness I was wearing a yellow-green floral bikini with his shirt covering major attractions and flats. My man was looking sexy in his lemon shade tank top, flexing his biceps and veins, pairing it with white shorts and sandals. God, I need him to fuck me while wearing that.

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