Chapter 48: Chaos

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Are you ready for the drama?

*Deep breath guys*
*Deep breath*

Alex’s POV

What is chaos?

A moment of blunder. The starting point of an event after which everything has an intention to make your already miserable life more miserable. The moment Teresa stepped out of the home, I didn’t know how to feel anything. I didn’t know what to feel? I was feeling everything, yet nothing at the same time.

I visited her, contacted her as much as I could, and every effort was a dead end. I understood she needed time to absorb the information, and that she was not angry with me for hiding the truth, but that it was a life-changing alteration. Like, all the wires of her brain were being re-established and changing the fundamental truth of her life. It was difficult, per se. But it was all for her safety. I knew she watched me from her window every time I left her apartment, or that she was hiding behind the door, sobbing with a hand on her mouth to not let any sound out.

I was sitting in my home office with my laptop peeking at me to press the keys for the work I had to finish, but I was too distracted to concentrate. Amelia and mother left after that day, considering the sorrow I had been dwelling myself into and the time I needed for myself too.

One week. That’s how long it has been and every part of me was craving for her as if she was the air to my lungs and I was in a vacuum.

I inhaled a sharp breath, making my chest rise as I rubbed the corner of my eyes. The photo frame at the right corner of the table caught my attention, subconsciously putting a smile on my face. A picture clicked by Jacob on her birthday, where she was hugging me with her arms wrapped around my waist as she flashed her pearly white teeth to the camera. My eyes stung, making the vision blur with water at the brim of my eye.

Oh, my love, I miss you so much!

The door slammed open and there stood Jacob, panting, sweat dripping down his forehead and eyes wide. He took the water bottle from a nearby table and gulped it down in one go. I furrowed my brows at him. Before he could say anything, Mark barged into the office with knitted brows and wide eyes. Same as Jacob, and my heart synced deep in the earth. itself.

“Something is wrong.” They said in unison.

I narrowed my eyes at them. “What happened?”

“I have 5 missed calls from Teresa. I am sorry I was taking a shower and couldn’t pick up then Mark-”

Mark placed a hand on his shoulder with a gentle squeeze of assurance as his eyes turned to me. What was it… worry? Pity? “I also had a missed call from her. I guess-”

For the love of God. I clenched my jaw as my hand frantically searched for my cell phone in my pockets and the drawers or the table as far as my vision could grow, dropping whatever came my way. Tripping over every step, I exited the office to reach the living room, roaming my eyes over everything. On the white leather chair, pushed on the cushion, I could see the black phone.

With shaky hands, I picked it up and opened the phone lock, and the entire world trembled beneath my foot. There were 43 missed calls within the time range of 20 minutes and several messages and voicemails. My body was trembling, and I could feel the chatter of teeth with the vibrations in my blood flow.

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