Chapter 6: She is not here

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Alex's POV

An overwhelming feeling of happiness rushed down my stomach as the hours passed, waiting for the sun to rise in hopes of tomorrow. I did not know if I should be that excited to meet her, or why she was affecting me more than I wanted her to.

I reached home, stopping at the nearby restaurant for takeaway food. I changed into pajamas and sat on the couch, watching news while eating salad, which I was regretting. It was not tasty like the hype of the place, but stomach needed its fill. Moments passed by, but my mind registered nothing that news anchor was stuttering on the television. Rather, I was engaged in thoughts of that girl. The smile, like a cute little kitten. A huff escaped my mouth at the way her eyes widened when I said yes to the coffee.

The speed my heart picked whenever she was around me or I saw her from distant, I swear.

I rested my head at the back of couch and closed my eyes. An effort in vain as the image of Teresa running towards me flashed in my brain as if it was happening again. So realistic. God, I needed to blow out her presence. It was a dangerous territory, and I had no time for girls. Not even as friends.

Then why are you thinking about holding her in your arms?

My head snapped at the table corner, phone gleaming with Jacob's image. I leaned forward and picked the call. "Hello?"

"Alex, what are you doing?" he said from other side, the voice plain and urgent.

"Why? I am not going to any club. I am busy"

"You are no fun." He laughed at me.

"You are fired."

"I had been fired for, like, a million times before. Jokes aside, I have called you to tell you that US clients have backed up from the deal." I blinked for a second, registering the words he uttered. Backed up? They did not even complete it and didn't he agreed to sign papers after talking to his partner?

"What the hell! What happened? Everything was sorted, they were even coming to sign the papers. "

"I guess Robert has to do something with that."

My body stilled for some time. I was not sure if I was even breathing properly until Jacob called out for me over the phone, "Alex, you there? "

"Huh? What did you say?" I asked.

"I said Robert has to do something with this. Lewis's were seen at his office after meeting you. I think he did his usual dirty tricks."

"I will look into it. Schedule a meeting with them tomorrow morning. The earliest you can get. "

"Okay. Good night."

Robert fucking McOwen. He was my elder brother and a jealous freak. Ever since my business grew, I wanted to share it with him. To have a back of my own. Eventually, he grew hatred towards me and turned my parents against everything.

Robert had some shares in my company and handled one of the main branches of the oil industry in the country. As time passed, his anger, jealousy and greed grew into corruption. He theft my money and started his own business in hotel chains as well, it boomed eventually with my work culture and other things.

Only if he could have asked me what he wanted. Only if he could have talked to me, I would have given my heart to him. He was my brother and family was everything to me.

Robert started his business, made my parents believe that my business was built by wrong means and I hate them. At least that's what mother and father said when I tried to explain them the truth. Foolish... they were foolish and blinded by god knows what black magic that they denied to even glance at me. Even then I did not stop trying, for the sake of my sanity. But at the second meeting, that's what crushed my heart and blew my trust into ashed. I asked them that why they were not believing what I was saying. My father just clenched his jaw and said that they wanted my money and that's what they got.

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