Chapter 14: I will kill for her

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Hey everyone!

I am sorry for such late update. I had some work to finish and that's where the time went. But, here I am again. 

Happy reading!

Alex's POV

It's been a while since Teresa left for the restroom and my concern was getting over me. An elderly business acquaintance was engaging me with the most boring business plans he wanted to have with me, when I caught alarming figure of Jacob approaching in my direction. I nodded at the old man and excused myself, my feet padding on the floor, and met Jacob in midway.

Jacob tilted his head to the right side... to an empty dark side of the hallway for privacy. I barely nodded and gestured him to follow.

Jacob glared at me as if he had no words to what he had to say. He never responded like this, but then he dragged his phone to show civilian camera footage near the woman's restroom: Teresa entering, pursued by Adam, who escaped after 10 minutes. Teresa left after 10 minutes of Adam, rushing towards the exit when she bumped into Jacob. It was hard to see Teresa's face in the recording, but she did not even take a glace to say sorry.

I was processing the information when Jacob spoke. "I think something is wrong, Alex. She looked distressed and..."

I raised my brows. "And Jacob?"

"And she ran like she did that day, weeks ago."

I was perturbing. I stood there in stunned silence for as long as I recall and then stormed out of the back gates, my heart racing with a thunder inside. Fuck the useless parties. My mind was running 1000 miles per hour to jump to different presumptions and conclusions. Was that Adam? Why did she act that way? Why did her eyes always become distant at the mention of her father? What could be the reason for never acknowledging her mother in our long talks?

There she was near my car in the parking, in the blue satin dress, her back facing me. When she came down in that, everything I desired was to be alone with Teresa and devour this goddess. She was so lost in her thoughts that I doubt she heard me coming. I put my hand on her shoulder and her whole body trembled with fear, making her upper body strike on the bumper of the car.

My eyes widened at that, my heart broke into fucking billions of pieces. I was feeling the agony I never felt for anyone.

There was nothing but shock and terror in her damp eyes as her entire body shook under the effect. Pure terror.

"Teresa, baby. It's me, Alex." I said, my voice breaking through all the barriers of softness. I clenched my teeth and curled the palm in a fist. She was looking like an abandoned puppy on the side of road, so fragile for anyone to touch. My body trembled with rage. I-will-blow-this-whole-world-into-dust-if-anything-happen-to-her type of rage. But she didn't look at me, still hazy with her thoughts and terror.

"Come here, darling. What happened? Tell me?" I said, grabbing her by the shoulder to lift her. She stood and hugged me strongly, as if detecting a protected spot, hiding her head in my chest. Her tears made my shirt wet. I rubbed my hand over her head and my heart stopped. The hot red liquid flow down her neck, making my fingers sticky.

Blood. Her blood.

"Show me yourself, Teresa. You are hurt. There is fucking blood on your head. Let me see."

"I-it's nothing. I am fine, let's go h-home," she said, her voice shaky.

That was when I saw the purple bruise on her neck-

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