Chapter 3 - Part 1

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Hermione cursed internally as she quickly moved to follow Harry. They had just eavesdropped on Slughorn's awkward conversation with Filch and Malfoy. While Harry had been intensely focused on the conversation she had been focused on Harry. The concentration on his face reminded her of what he looked like when focusing on catching the snitch. Both activities were equally as pointless in Hermione's view.

As Snape pulled Malfoy away Harry barely waited a moment before heading to follow them.

"Harry, don't be foolish," she whispered in desperation, tugging on his arm to stop.

He pulled his arm free and continued toward the door. "Something is going on, Hermione. Did you see Draco? I'll be back," he muttered, never taking his eyes off the exit.

She grabbed his arm once again, pulling him harder and forcing him to stop. "This obsession is ridiculous...Dumbledore said we shouldn't worry...we need to trust the Headmaster," she pleaded.

Harry took a deep breath, frustration evident on his face. "I know what Dumbledore says, you seem to remind me of it everyday. But he's been wrong loads of times and I know what I see. I get it...I should have been smarter last year and you don't trust my judgement anymore."

He forcefully pulled his arm away and began toward the door before stopping and looking back. "I give you permission to tell me 'I told you so' once I'm proven wrong but until then I'm going to keep trying. If you don't feel like helping that's fine...but please stop fighting me."

And with that he disappeared through the door.

Her heart sank as Harry's words repeated in her mind. Had it gotten so bad that he thought she no longer believed in him? She knew Harry wasn't infallible...that he was prone to miss details and didn't always work as hard as he could...but she always believed in him...more than anything or anyone else in her life. Her faith and belief in Harry was an irrevocable part of her at this point. The fact that he didn't realize this drove home how out of sorts she had been acting.

She looked at the door and a decision was made. She believed in Harry and Harry believed that Malfoy was a legitimate threat. It was time to start helping once again. 'You are such an idiot, Hermione,' she muttered under her breath as she quickly exited the party in search of Harry.

But despite her best efforts Harry was nowhere to be found. After several minutes of fruitless searching she realized the prudent thing was to return to the party and simply wait for Harry's return. He promised he would come back and Harry didn't break promises.

She quickly grabbed a drink and casually kept her eye on the door, eager for Harry's return. As she sipped the fruity concoction she realized it had a certain kick that she was not used to and surmised that it contained alcohol. Whatever it was it tasted lovely and it seemed to settle her nerves as she waited for Harry's return.

"There you are!" she heard from behind, cringing at the smarmy tone.

"Hello, Cormac," she greeted coolly as she grabbed another drink. "Enjoying the party?" she offered half-heartedly, hoping to end the conversation as quickly as possible.

"Much better now that I've tracked you down," he replied smoothly. "You promised me a dance, Granger."

Her skin crawled at the thought of having to dance with this talking mop. Before she could politely inform the mop that she had made no such promise another voice joined the conversation.

"Sorry, McLaggen. Hermione promised the next dance to me," Harry chimed in pleasantly as he grabbed her hand and smoothly pulled her away.

"I'll catch you later, Granger," McLaggen called as the pair walked away.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Cormac," Harry replied, "I'm really in the mood to cut a rug."

Hermione chuckled and downed the remains of her second drink, setting it on a nearby table.

"Thank you for the rescue, Harry," she stated as they began swaying to the music. "How did you know I find Cormac repellant?"

"Dunno actually. I suppose Cormac seemed like the last person you would want to dance with," he supplied. "He's a bit of a moron isn't he?"

"More than a bit," she answered as she moved closer to Harry, leaning next to his ear. She didn't want anyone else to overhear the next bit of their conversation.

"How did your reconnaissance mission go?" she asked in a near whisper.

She felt Harry tense. "I really don't want to fight, Hermione," he replied quietly. "I know you followed me so you could stop me."

"I didn't-" she snapped before catching herself. Her tone was too sharp...she was being too defensive.

She forced herself to relax and tried again. "I didn't follow you so I could stop you. I...wanted to help."

Harry remained silent for several moments before leaning in. "Really?", he asked, the hope and relief palpable in his tone.

"Yes," she confirmed. "I thought about what you said and you were right. I'm tired of fighting with you, Harry. As long as you promise to hear me out if I disagree I really do want to help."

She felt Harry relax and give her a gentle squeeze of acknowledgement. It was amazing how much better she felt.

"How did I miss you?" she eventually asked. "Have you been practicing your disillusionment charms behind my back?"

He chuckled. "I used my invisibility cloak. I've started carrying it around whenever I can...just in case."

"That was smart," she complimented. "A bit paranoid, but smart."

"For what it's worth I felt really bad when you walked by me...both times," he chuckled.

"Why didn't you grab me?" she admonished, lightly punching him on the shoulder.

"Too busy listening," he informed her as the song ended. Hermione felt oddly disappointed that the dance seemed to go by so quickly.

"Fancy another go," he asked as she began to pull away, "you were right...that was loads better than the Yule ball."

She quickly scanned the room and saw that Cormac, Ginny and Harry's flock of admirers were all looking at them. "I would love to," she said with a smile as the music resumed.

After several moments Hermione became impatient. "So..." she prodded, "what did they say?"

"I'll tell you later," he replied. "There's too many people here and I'm enjoying myself."

Maybe it was Slughorn's potion, maybe it was the two fruity drinks she had consumed, but she found herself agreeing with Harry. They could discuss the Draco problem later. She relaxed and moved a bit closer.

"This is nice," she supplied. "I forgot how much I enjoyed dancing at the Yule Ball...until Ronald ruined it of course."

She felt Harry's chuckle of acknowledgement. "Can I ask you something?" he asked tentatively. "If you don't want to answer you don't have to."

"Go on," she ordered, curious as to what was to come.

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