Chapter 11 - Part 2

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The next day's worth of classes passed by normally and uneventfully for the pair. She was already used to eating meals with and sitting next to Harry in any classes they shared so no radical changes in behavior were evident. She felt a bit annoyed at not getting to hold Harry's hand but she knew that problem would be remedied very soon.

"Well, I'm off. Wish me luck," Harry muttered as he stood to leave. Based on his expression it was clear he was not looking forward to his upcoming conversation with Ron. Hermione honestly wasn't sure how Ron would take it...her guess was probably not well. Regardless of any romantic feelings he may feel toward her she was fairly certain at the very least he would not be happy at now being the odd one out in the trio's dynamic.

She watched as Ginny subtly tracked Harry's exit from across the common room before returning to her schoolwork. Hermione quickly packed her own things and dropped them off in her room, wanting to get their uncomfortable conversation over with.

"Can I have a word, Ginny?" she asked as casually as possible.

"What is it?" Ginny asked, never looking up from her work.

"It's something I need to discuss with you privately," she replied.

Ginny's eyes shot to her in surprise, now suddenly alert. "Has something else happened?" she asked worriedly.

"It's not an emergency," Hermione quickly reassured. They'd all had enough anxiety over the last few days.

She watched as recognition seemed to bloom on Ginny's face and she silently mouthed "Harry?" as Dean remained unaware.

Hermione nodded in confirmation and felt even more uncomfortable. It was clear Ginny thought Harry needed her help and she was ready to spring into action on his behalf.

"I'll be back in a bit," Ginny assured Dean before standing. Hermione gestured toward the portrait hole and moved toward the exit at Ginny's nodding acknowledgment.

They had barely made it out the door before Ginny asked "What's going on?" She was clutching her wand firmly, seemingly prepared for anything.

"It's nothing like that," Hermione assured and Ginny visibly relaxed, "I just wanted to let you know something before everyone else found out...about Harry and me."

Ginny abruptly stopped walking and pinched her eyes closed. It was clear she had sorted out what Hermione was going to say and was doing her best not to react to the emotional sucker punch that had just been delivered. Hermione remained silent, uncomfortable and knowing there was nothing helpful that she could say. Saying she was sorry would be a lie and saying she felt bad sounded condescending and inappropriate.

"I'm happy for you, Hermione," Ginny spit out, doing her best but failing to sound cheerful, still standing dead still in the middle of the hallway. She stubbornly swiped at her eyes, banishing the tears that were breaking through her defenses.


"Thank you for letting me know," Ginny interrupted, her voice now wavering, before turning and quickly heading back through the portrait hole.

Hermione released the breath she wasn't aware she was holding. When she returned to the common room several minutes later Dean was sitting alone and Ginny was nowhere to be found. He shot her a curious glance, clearly wondering what Hermione had said to cause his girlfriend to flee to her room.

Between the misery she had just caused her friend and her nervousness in waiting on Harry's return she didn't feel up to resuming her schoolwork, opting instead to sit at their couch and mindlessly read a muggle novel. Crookshanks quickly joined her, presumably saving Harry's spot beside her for when he returned.

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