Chapter 11 - Part 3

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Harry arrived back in the common room thirty minutes after her, still in full uniform. Based on his expression and the fact that he hadn't already showered and changed the practice had not gone well. At all.

"Fucking McLaggen," he muttered as he took a seat beside her.

"Language, Harry," she chided, "also, you stink."

"Fine," he mumbled as he stood, "I'll go take a shower. But then I'm going to need you to listen to me complaining for a bit."

"Looking forward to it," she encouraged as she pushed him toward his dormitory.

After Harry's departure the other members of the team began filing in, each one looking slightly more miserable than the last. Except for Cormac and Ginny, they both looked angry...very angry. She also noted that Ginny did not sit with Dean once she returned to the common room, opting instead to sit with a few of the girls in her year.

She was putting the finishing touches on her Transfiguration essay when Harry sat back beside her. Her heart warmed at the fact that he had sat beside her...not across as had been his normal habit...because she was his girlfriend now. Focusing on her studies was going to be infinitely more difficult going forward.

His hair was still slightly damp from his recent shower. She couldn't decide between casting a drying spell or running her hands through it. She realized half of the girls in the room were blatantly gawping at her slightly wet boyfriend and opted for the drying spell. After finishing she decided to run her hands through his hair make sure she had finished the job of course. She smiled to herself as Harry made a humming sound of pleasure.

"Well it looks like you feel better and you definitely smell better. I've just finished my work so feel free to complain away," she ordered.

"Long story short, Cormac is a massive bell end," Harry began. "Instead of practicing his position he spent the entire time coaching everyone else...including me. Apparently I'm not a very good Captain. He had notes. Lots and lots of notes."

"I think you are a very good Captain," Hermione consoled.

"Says the person who turned down the Keeper position," Harry replied in false annoyance. "You could have been great you know..."

"Speaking of which," Harry continued. "I realized something while I was floating up there listening to Cormac drone on. You need to practice your flying."

"Absolutely not," Hermione shot back, "you know I hate flying!"

"Flying could save your life, Hermione. Not liking something isn't a good excuse not to learn it," Harry replied automatically. She wondered if he had been rehearsing it while he cleaned up.

"You're using my own words against me," she observed in annoyance.

'You noticed that did you?" he asked. He was entirely too pleased with himself. The worst part was he was right.

"Okay," she answered in defeat, "but you need to understand, Harry. I really do find it terrifying."

"I know," he comforted. "Don't worry, we'll take it slow. Just some nice laps near the ground until you get more comfortable. Then we can get you a bit higher and work on your speed and evasive maneuvers. Okay?"

Hermione fought the urge to sigh wistfully at Harry's earnest expression. Somehow he had done the impossible...she was actually looking forward to her flying lesson. She found herself unconsciously drifting forward to kiss Harry before she stopped herself. She would make sure to show her gratitude fully the next time they were alone.

"Okay," she mumbled, scooting her chair slightly so she could lean against him a bit. "How was Ginny?"

"Fine," Harry answered in confusion. "What did you expect?"

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