Epilogue - Part 3

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Hermione apparated the pair to a park near Privet Drive and they began walking toward their temporary base of operations, safely concealed underneath the invisibility cloak.

"Honestly Harry you didn't have to make me sound so ruthless," she commented quietly.

"I did," he countered immediately. "My uncle never listens. But it's not just that. Everyone takes you for granted, Hermione. They have no idea what you are capable of."

Harry suddenly stopped walking.


"I've had an idea...how to end him if we manage to destroy all the Horcruxes," he informed as he began walking again.

"What is it?"

"We'll talk about it later," he replied. "We should focus on the next bit for now. Besides... you aren't going to like it."

Hermione tried not to think about Harry's cryptic tone as they turned onto Privet Drive She looked at her watch.

"My parents should be here in ten minutes," she informed. "It's not too late to-"

"We're giving them a choice, Hermione," Harry interrupted.

"But sending them away and casting-."

"We're giving them a choice," Harry repeated. "They deserve that."

Hermione knew he was right and they'd been arguing the same point for the last month. There was no need to rehash it further.

"I'm so glad you are doing the talking," Harry said nervously.

Hermione stifled a laugh. "If the Prophet could see you now. The Chosen One, afraid of his girlfriend's parents."

"It's more complicated than that," he protested feebly, "but yeah, mostly that."

"Just remember Mum is like me. She may get a bit upset and forceful but that's just how she expresses herself. Dad actually gets calmer when things are stressful...drives Mum and me crazy..."

"I like him already," Harry joked as they quietly made their way to the front door. "So they know to stay outside-"

"Until I come fetch them. We're going the forceful route with your cousin, right?" she asked before quietly casting Alohomora and entering the house.

"Wouldn't want to keep your parents waiting would we?" Harry asked with a grin as he pulled off the cloak. "Dudley!" he yelled. "Are you here?"

"Harry? What's going on-"

Dudley stopped talking immediately once he reached the top of the stairs, most likely because she had aimed her wand directly at him and was doing her best to look menacing.

"This is Hermione. She is my girlfriend. She is going to be staying here with me and is legally allowed to perform magic. Understand?"

She did her best not to laugh at Dudley's nervous gulp and nod.

"Great! We're going to be using the kitchen for the next hour. You can either stay in your room or leave. But the clock is running so you need to decide now!"

Dudley's eyes never left her wand as he pointed toward his room and slowly retreated out of sight.

Thirty minutes later they had explained as much as they could to her parents...her mother had begun pacing the floor a few minutes prior while her father remained still, staring at his hands as he considered what had been shared.

"So you're giving us two options: Sell the practice and move under assumed names and you'll remove every memory we have of-

"Not remove," Hermione interjected, "just hide. Temporarily."

"As I was saying," her mother continued, "and option two is we stay here and no-one else will know you are our daughter. It will be a secret like the house you stayed in over the summer."

"Right," Harry replied, "the only risk with the Fidelius would be if the Secret Keeper, that's me, tells someone."

"And what happens if one of you were to die?"

"If the Secret Keeper dies then that status passes to anyone else magical who knows the secret," Hermione supplied. "So it would pass to me."

"And if you died as well?"

Harry took over once again. "If we both die then there would be no-one left with magic that knew the secret. Hermione's theory is that the secret would end immediately. Everyone would remember...all public records would be restored...it would no longer be a secret."

"So you're saying the way we'll find out you've died is if a neighbor asks us what you are up to, because everyone will remember you."

"Something like that...yes," Hermione replied sadly. She couldn't think of a worse way to find out that a loved one had passed.

"If that happens you should leave England as soon as possible."

Her parents ignored her suggestion. Clearly their fate was the furthest thing from their mind at that point.

"So ultimately we'd be putting our trust in you," her father observed out loud after several moments of uncomfortable silence.

"Yes," Harry answered nervously, "but I swear sir I would never-"

Harry didn't have the chance to finish his thought as her mother interrupted. "Harry, you don't need to convince us. We have six years' worth of letters and summers with Hermione making a pretty strong case for your character."

She sagged back into her chair, all of her previous fire now gone. "Besides, it doesn't really matter what we say does it? We're just helpless muggles after all."

"Mum," Hermione began before realizing she had no adequate reply.

"Jane and I expected we'd be having this sort of conversation today. We'll be going with Option Two," her father chimed in quietly. "I assume we need to do it straightaway?" he asked as he grasped his wife's hand for support.

Hermione knew it was a fruitless effort but decided to make one more attempt.

"You should still consider moving off the continent," she suggested hopefully. "The distance would provide a bit more protection in addition to the Fidelius. America specifically has some really nice areas where the demand for dentists-"

"Janey," he interrupted kindly, "do you remember what I said to you at Christmas? You and Harry would never turn tail and run. We aren't going anywhere. And we aren't interested in hiding our memories of you."

After several more moments of uncomfortable silence her mother plowed forward. "Let's get this spell over with so I can properly start saying goodbye."

Five minutes later the spell had been cast and the 'secret' had been shared with her parents. Only four people in the world now knew that Hermione was the daughter of David and Jane Granger.

"There is one other thing we need to discuss," Hermione said after the tearful hugs had been shared, knowing they may never see each other again. "I need you to take care of Crooks," she requested.

"Now you're asking too much," her father joked, drawing a discontented mewl from his new housemate.

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