Chapter 15 - Part 3

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Several hours later they were on the way to their clandestine meeting with Daphne Greengrass. As Harry consulted the map and she scanned the classroom's entrance for any spells or enchantments their invisible traveling companions spoke.

"So, how does it look?" Ron asked in a whisper under the cloak.

"There's still just the three of them. Daphne, Tracey Davis and...Zabini," Harry supplied. The last name was said with a bit of annoyance and concern.

"Everything looks clean," she imparted. "No tricks or traps as far as I can tell."

"Do you want us to go in with you?" Ron asked. "Even up the numbers?"

"You can follow us in under the cloak but keep your mouth shut unless they try something," Harry answered as he held out the map. "And watch this...make sure no-one tries to sneak in while we're talking."

She looked to the space where Ron's voice had been coming from and watched the map disappear. "That's a good idea, Harry," she confirmed. "Just stay quiet unless they actually try something."

"Good luck," she heard the disembodied voice of Lavender whisper...clearly excited and energized at being part of the 'team'.

They entered the room to find the Slytherin trio in the midst of a discussion, all jolting up immediately.

"I told you they would come," Tracey gloated. Based on his annoyed expression Blaise had not expected her or Harry to show up for the meeting.

"What's this about?" Harry began unceremoniously, his wand at the ready.

"Typical Potter," Blaise muttered in condescension. "He's here for ten seconds and he's already waving his wand around."

"Shut up, Blaise," Daphne admonished before gesturing toward a nearby desk.

"My apologies for Zabini and his mouth," she started, shooting her housemate another glare. "We've purposely set our wands on that desk to show you we are not a threat. We just want to talk."

Harry looked her way and Hermione gave him a nod of agreement. He quickly pulled her into two nearby chairs but continued to grasp his wand tightly. "Talk," he ordered.

"We want to warn you," Daphne stated simply.

"In case you haven't noticed we've already sorted out that Malfoy is a threat," Harry replied sarcastically. "Zabini here heard all about his service to the Dark Lord on the train ride to Hogwarts at the start of term. Isn't that right, Zabini?"

It was clear the Slytherin was ready with an angry retort but held his tongue at Daphne's withering glare. The girl was most definitely in charge.

"Potter...Harry...we are all on the same side," Daphne interjected calmly.

"Really?" Hermione asked in Harry's defense. "As I recall you've all seemed to enjoy Draco's nonsense over the years and were quite happy to wear those stupid Potter Stinks badges in fourth year. And what did you say Blaise called Ginny on the train, Harry? A blood traitor was it? Suppose you consider me a mudblood as well..."

"I understand your concern and you are right to be cautious," Daphne trudged on. "While you might not believe we are on the same side I can assure you we are most definitely not on You Know Who's side."

Harry slowly lowered his wand and motioned for her to continue, drawing a look of relief from Daphne.

"You mentioned Draco's boasting," Daphne began, "but what you need to understand is we've had to listen to his nonsense for years now...even before Hogwarts for some of us. We thought it was more of the same this year...just his normal blustering with nothing to back it up."

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