Chapter 12 - Part 2

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After several minutes that felt like hours, she received Ron's reply.

She's on her way. She didn't believe me until I showed her your message. Are you okay?

She allowed herself a moment of relief, slumping back against the wall. The cavalry was coming. She placed the map in her lap so she should track whether Goyle came back with reinforcements and angled herself purposely to be in the eye-line of the Room's entrance should Draco appear. Once she was in place she tapped out one final message.

Harry was right about Draco. I'll explain everything later but I can't talk now.

As the minutes passed the aching in her ribs unsurprisingly returned. Episkey was a basic healing spell and was bound to wear off sooner rather than later. She made a mental note to research more detailed medical spells for future reference.

After a few minutes a frantic Madam Pomfrey appeared and all the remaining tension Hermione felt fled.

"What is going on?" Pomfrey asked urgently as she gazed at the stunned and bound Slytherin beside her.

"He is fine" Hermione groaned, "only stunned. I think I've got a few broken ribs though from when he fell on me."

The matron kneeled down and waved her wand in front of her, a few disapproving mumbles escaping her lips as she assessed the damage. "Stay still," she commanded, "this will hurt for a moment but should do the trick."

The promised sharp stab of pain was fleeting and quickly faded away. Hermione poked her own ribcage and realized they were now blessedly free of pain. She definitely needed to expand her healing knowledge beyond Episkey.

"Better?" Pomfrey asked. At Hermione's nod of acknowledgment she continued. "Now would you care to explain why Miss Blackpool is unconscious and bound and why you referred to her as he?"

"It isn't Meredith Blackpool," Hermione continued, "it's Vincent Crabbe under polyjuice." Hermione ignored Madame Pomfrey's look of stunned indignation and continued on with her planned speech.

"He and Gregory Goyle were both under polyjuice. Goyle ran away but Mr. Crabbe attacked me once I realized what was going on. I stunned him and he fell on top of me. That's how I was injured."

"That is quite an accusation, Miss Granger," Madam Pomfrey replied once she'd regained her senses.

"I suppose we'll have proof in a few minutes," Hermione responded. "I would suggest you contact the headmaster.

"Very well," Pomfrey conceded as she began levitating Crabbe. "Let's head back to the hospital wing and we can summon the headmaster from there."

"No!" Hermione replied. "He needs to come here. Please."

The matriarch looked very skeptical as she assessed the situation before, inexplicably, lowering Crabbe and muttering Expecto Patronum. Hermione watched as Madam Pomfrey whispered something to her Bear Patronus before it quickly scurried away.

"What did you just do?" she asked.

"The headmaster is at the match. I've just sent him a message."

"With your Patronus?" Hermione asked dumbly.

"Just something Professor Dumbledore came up with a few years back," Madame Pomfrey supplied as she began to examine Meredith, making a 'tsking' sound once she was finished. Hermione idly wondered why the headmaster hadn't shared that particular use of Expecto Patronum with Harry.

"I do believe you are on to something, Miss Granger. Something is slightly 'off' about Miss Blackpool's readings."

As if on cue Meredith slowly transformed back to Vincent Crabbe, the clothes of the much more petite fifth year now straining to contain the much larger boy. Madam Pomfrey remained silent, simply shaking her head in annoyance.

A few minutes later the headmaster came into view, flanked by Professors Snape and Sprout. While Professor Sprout looked surprised at the scene in front of her and Snape looked to be barely containing his fury the headmaster remained calm.

"Miss Granger caught two students using polyjuice, Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey began. "Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle. Mr. Goyle ran off according to Miss Granger but I personally witnessed Mr. Crabbe transforming back into his own body a few minutes ago."

"I believe they were acting as lookouts for Draco Malfoy while he used the Room of Requirement," Hermione interjected. "When they spotted me Goyle dropped the scales he was holding. I think it was a warning to Draco not to come out."

It was subtle but Hermione noticed Snape visibly tense at her words. Harry was right. He knew. She seethed.

"Mr. Crabbe is unharmed Poppy?" Dumbledore asked pleasantly.

"Besides the uncomfortably tight clothes, yes. It appears Miss Granger merely stunned him and then helpfully broke his fall with her damage done," she informed.

Dumbledore nodded in acknowledgment before whispering something to Snape, prompting the Slytherin head of house to begin levitating Crabbe away. The headmaster raised his hands to stop Hermione's protests.

"Professor Snape is returning to Slytherin and will be questioning Mr. Goyle and Mr. Crabbe. While he does that I would very much like to review your memory of the events in my Pensieve."

"What about Draco?" she asked. "He's still in the room."

"Are you certain of that Miss Granger?" he asked her pleasantly. He was talking down to her and it set her nerves on edge.

"No sir, but it is a logical assumption," she replied, forcing herself to stay calm at the headmaster's condescension. "Harry and I spotted Draco walking with two Slytherin fifth year girls of which appeared to be Meredith Blackpool. I caught up with the girls here while Harry went on to his match. There had to be a reason for them to be using polyjuice and the fact that they were standing in front of the Room's entrance makes it obvious to me what is going on."

Her response seemed to throw the headmaster off a bit. Apparently, she had more proof than he had expected and he now seemed disconcerted. What was going on?

She watched as the headmaster muttered something to a nearby portrait before turning toward Professor Sprout.

"Pomona, would you mind keeping watch for Mr. Malfoy while Miss Granger and I return to my office? If he appears please escort him to my office."


"It will be fine, Miss Granger," Sprout reassured. "I will wait for Mr. Malfoy. The sooner the headmaster can view your memory the sooner we can get to the bottom of the situation."

She felt a strong desire to inform the Hufflepuff head of house that she and Harry had already gotten to the bottom of the situation but bit back on the urge and wordlessly nodded her agreement before following the headmaster toward his office. Once he saw the memory confirming everything she had said he would be forced to take serious action.

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