Chapter 14 - Part 1

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Hermione arrived at the Room of Requirement precisely at 6:00 am the next morning. Rising so early hadn't been a struggle as the nerves associated with what was about to happen coupled with her thinking about Harry and his new Patronus had made it very difficult to sleep. She'd even had the requisite additional time required to tame her hair.

Based on Harry's message he hadn't minded his Patronus changing but the hours since had allowed for her insecurities to start seeping to the forefront. Would he be scared that they were moving too fast? Was he disappointed at losing such a personal connection to his father?

Stop overthinking things, she mentally commanded to herself as she set up shop for the day in front of the Room of Requirement.

But what if she wasn't overthinking? What if she had cause for concern? There had to be a reason he hadn't actually said the words 'I love you' to her yet. Despite herself, she thought of how much Harry had retreated into himself last year when he was confused and uncertain. Would he do the same now?

Stop. Over. Thinking. Things. She yelled internally as she pulled out her Defence text and began reviewing the chapter to be covered that morning. Given that she wouldn't be actually attending the class in question it seemed the most prudent thing to do. She thought it fitting that Professor Snape would be the first professor they would be annoying with their plan.

Fifteen minutes after her arrival Dobby popped back with a light breakfast. "Dobby likes Hermione Granger's hair!" he complimented enthusiastically before disappearing from sight. She picked at her food before giving it up as a lost cause. Her stomach didn't want to wanted to see Harry and calm her irrational fears.

As she saw Harry round the corner with Ron an hour later she realized how silly she was being. He looked just as happy and excited as she was at the moment. She instantly decided the ten seconds it would take for him to reach her was entirely too long. She took off in a near sprint and enveloped him in a hug, reducing the time by at least six seconds. She buried herself into the small of Harry's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Told you she would love it, mate," she heard Ron mumble awkwardly in her periphery. "I'll be back to take over after lunch," he informed before leaving. At least she thought that was what he had said. She was too engrossed in enjoying Harry's shoulder to pay much attention.

"Are you all right?" he asked worriedly. "Did something happen?"

"I just missed you," she replied before pulling him toward the table and chairs. A quick call to Dobby resulted in a breakfast delivery for Harry and Hermione finally dug into her own food as well after applying a quick warming charm. She was suddenly starving.

"What did Ron tell you I would love?" she eventually asked, remembering her friend's comment from earlier.

Harry stopped eating...looking a bit hesitant. "I was worried about my Patronus changing. I thought you might be embarrassed by it or something," he answered as he shook his head. "It was stupid."

"I loved it," she blurted. "Mine swims but I like how your version scampered up to me," she gushed. It was a bit shocking to hear the words coming out of her mouth because as a rule she most definitely did not gush. But Harry was different. He deserved as much gushing as she could manage.

"I hate swimming," Harry said with a slight grimace, clearly relieved and soothed by her gushing. "And he doesn't scamper. He strides majestically," he protested feebly.

She thought about how Harry's stag really did stride majestically and a bit of worry crept back in.

"Does it bother you?" she asked as casually as possible. "Your Patronus changing?"

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