Chapter 4 - Part 1

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Hermione bounded down the stairs quickly, anxious to hear Harry's news about Draco and knowing time was limited given how early they were leaving to go home for the holiday break. She was thankful that her head was relatively clear and pain-free despite the lovely fruity drinks she had consumed the prior night.

Harry had already arrived and was sitting with Ron in a corner, huddled over in discussion. She ignored the mild discomfort caused by having to deal with Ron and quickly made her way over.

"Good morning" Harry replied with an easy smile as she took the empty seat next to Ron, purposely making sure to avoid any contact.

"We should get started before Lav comes down," Ron replied, casting a sidelong glance her way. She kept her eyes focused on Harry and successfully fought the urge to roll her eyes

Over the next few minutes, Harry explained everything he had overheard. Draco's mission...Snape's Unbreakable Vow...all of it. As she absorbed the words and thought back to how troubled Draco looked everything became undeniably more real.

"Malfoy is definitely up to something but do you really think he is a real threat?" Ron chimed in. "I mean, I hate Snape too and an Unbreakable Vow is serious business but he could have been lying about wanting to help. You find out what Malfoy is up to."

It was clear that Harry was fighting his worst instincts and holding back an angry retort. Instead, he looked at her. "What do you think, Hermione?"

While she initially had the same thoughts as Ron she forced herself to think it through."Draco really did look awful...something was clearly troubling him." Harry gave a satisfied nod of confirmation.


"Come on," Harry interrupted. "Why does no one believe me?"

"But..." she began again in as soft a tone as she could manage, lightly punching Harry on the arm for interrupting her, "Dumbledore would want Snape to lie to find out what Draco is up to."

Harry opened his mouth to respond but she beat him to the punch. "I'm not done yet," Hermione playfully scolded, purposely keeping her tone as light as possible. She and Harry had made way too much progress over the last few days to ruin it by snapping at each other.

"You can't get out of an Unbreakable Vow...which means whether he wants to or not Snape would have to finish Draco's mission if he fails."

"Like I said, he could have been lying about that too," Ron countered.

"Snape said he made the vow with Malfoy's mother," Harry hissed, "Malfoy would know if Snape was lying."


"Harry's right," Hermione realized, saying it out loud for both to hear. "Professor Snape mentioned that Draco had been around Bellatrix as well so it's clear that they were all together over the summer. Draco could easily find out if Professor Snape is lying...he would just need to ask his mother."

Ron looked gobsmacked. "So now you've suddenly decided to agree with Harry?" he replied, looking as if he had been personally betrayed.

"Harry quite often chooses not to be a dunderhead," she replied, "you should try it sometime."

"Oh ha ha," Ron countered, smiling slightly. Hermione smiled as well, grateful that some of the tension between them had subsided, if only temporarily.

Harry rolled his eyes and trudged on. "So that means, even if Draco is the harmless fraud you think he is, Snape has vowed to finish whatever he is trying to do. If he doesn't then he will- What actually happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?"

"You die," Hemione muttered gravely.

'So if Snape fails it's a win, win for us. We foil the plan and Snape kicks the bucket," Ron joked.

Hermione slapped him on the shoulder. "That is a horrible thing to say," she exclaimed, forcing down the smile that stubbornly wanted to break through. It looked as if Harry found the joke highly amusing.

"I mean...he's not wrong," he supplied, playfully ducking away from Hermione's half-hearted attempt at smacking his shoulder.

"Two dunderheads,"' she muttered before allowing herself a smile as well. She supposed they were allowed a bit of gallows humor with everything they'd gone through.

The moment of levity was broken by a throat clearing loudly behind her. She turned to see Lavender staring at them in annoyance, impatiently waiting for their conversation to end.

"Gotta go," Ron spoke as he stood to leave. "Have a good holiday, Hermione."

"You too," she replied absently. She was so proud of the turnaround she had made in the last few days. Ron was still an inconsiderate berk but at least they were once again being civil with each other...sort of.

As she watched Ron walk away a seventh-year Prefect tapped her on the shoulder. "McGonagall said you're next up for the floo. You need to head to her office."

She stood and grabbed her bag, excited for the holiday break and the chance to see her parents once again. "Have a good holiday, Harry," she exclaimed as she began to leave.

"Wait," Harry said from behind her. She turned to see him now standing as well, looking very conflicted. He quickly pulled something out of his bag.

"I want you to take this," he blurted as he held the book out for her to take. It was the book. The Half Blood Prince's book. She immediately tensed.

"I finally get to chuck it?" she asked hopefully.

"No!" he blurted loudly before calming himself. "I want you to give it a fair chance and read through it over the break. If you still have concerns we can talk about it when we come back."

She was taken aback by Harry's request. It appeared what he had said last night weren't just words...he really was willing to hear her out. Countless condescending and cutting remarks went through her head but she settled on offering a bit of affectionate teasing.

"Are you sure you want to do this Harry? Being away from loved ones during the holidays can sometimes be hard."

He smiled and ran a hand nervously through his hair. "I'll do my best to manage...just promise me you'll bring my baby back in one piece."

She returned the smile as she quickly grabbed the book and placed it in her bag. She had felt so unmoored for so long...having everything seemingly set back to rights with Harry was the perfect way to leave for the break.

She quickly pulled him into a hug. "Happy Christmas, Harry," she said warmly, nestling into his shoulder.

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