Chapter 13 - Part 3

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Hogwarts students were allowed to begin roaming the halls at six in the morning and that was precisely the time Hermione exited the common room and set out for the seventh floor. She'd had to wake up thirty minutes earlier than normal and she didn't spend the now standard additional time taming her hair but that was fine. She was most likely not going to see Harry that day and his was the only opinion that mattered at this point.

She had considered leaving a few minutes earlier so she could take over the watch immediately when Dobby had to report for duty at six but thought better of it. It was easy enough to use the map to ensure Draco was still safely tucked into his bed and arrive at her destination at a quarter past instead. Besides, she was most likely going to be breaking many rules over the next few would be best to avoid doing so when she could avoid it. Unless Harry asked her to do so of course. With what they had planned she was going to need as many nights off as possible to relieve the stress.

Once she reached her destination she pulled out the miniaturized chair and desk, expanded them to full size, and pulled out her bag of 'galleons'. If everything worked out as she hoped they were going to need a lot more communication coins.

Despite a few curious onlookers that passed by as she worked and a visit from Dobby delivering a light breakfast her morning was relatively uninterrupted. When the alarm on her watch chimed at five to ten she stowed her materials away and waited on the anticipated arrival of her head of house.

As expected Professor McGonagall came into view right on time, a mix of concern and disappointment on her face. Apparently Dobby had successfully relayed the message that a change in venue would be needed for the requested meeting. She quickly conjured her own chair and began speaking.

"When I asked Miss Matthews to relay my request I was hoping to speak to you in my office, Miss Granger," she began. "I'm not sure such a public place is appropriate-"

"That wasn't feasible, professor," Hermione interrupted, "I need to prevent Draco Malfoy from working on whatever he is planning since the staff isn't interested in stopping him." She wasn't sure who was more shocked by her boldness.

"Miss Granger," McGonagall spoke in a tone remarkably similar to the Headmaster's condescension from the prior day, "I realize you are worried and upset but this isn't the way."

"Am I breaking a rule?" she asked, already knowing the answer. She had double checked the school rules and regulations to confirm there were no specific edicts prohibiting sitting in a hallway. Besides, students camped out in hallways all the time between classes and it had never been a problem. Even Umbridge hadn't prevented it during her brief draconian tenure overseeing the school. The rule breaking would start in full force tomorrow but McGonagall didn't need to know that.

The deputy headmistress shook her head in disappointment before continuing. "You know as well I as I do the answer to that question so we will do this your way, Miss Granger. Now that you've had a few additional hours to process and think on your decision I'm hoping you've reconsidered your resignation."

She wanted to reply that the hours of contemplation had only reinforced the decision in her mind but she held her tongue. The trio had decided that it was important that they didn't speak out in anger or volunteer any more information than what was needed to the staff. She stuck to the plan.

"What were the punishments for Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle?" she asked unceremoniously.

"Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle will be serving detentions three nights a week for the remainder of term and have each lost one hundred points."

"And Draco?" she prompted.

McGonagall pursed her lips in discomfort before answering. It was clear she did not agree with the headmaster's decision. "With the exception of classes and meals Mr. Malfoy is restricted to Slytherin house."

"That's it?" Hermione blurted.

"Mr. Malfoy said he was studying the enchantments of the room for academic purposes. Without any proof of wrongdoing there was nothing more the headmaster could do."

"And how did they explain Crabbe and Goyle using polyjuice?" she continued.

She didn't think it was possible but McGonagall's look of annoyance grew. "Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle said they were experimenting with the potion and it was purely coincidental that they were on the seventh floor hallway when Mr. Malfoy was in the room."

Hermione desperately pushed back on the urge to scream at her professor. It wouldn't do any good and she had a few more questions to ask.

"Why didn't you or the headmaster tell any of us that messages could be sent using a Patronus?" she asked.

It was clear that Hermione's reserved tone and the change in subject had taken McGonagall off guard. She ploughed on.

"Many of us can manage a corporeal patronus now thanks to Harry. With the dangers we are facing why didn't anyone think that would be a useful thing for us to know?"

"I wasn't aware Mr. Potter had taught you the charm and I assumed the headmaster had shared the information with him. Clearly I was incorrect."

"Would you teach me?" she asked quickly.

"I will check with...," the deputy headmistress began before pausing, apparently reconsidering her answer. "Yes, of course."

"Thank you," Hermione replied honestly. She decided to push her luck and get an answer for something that had niggled at her brain since last year.

"Why wasn't Harry asked to be a prefect?"

She'd taken the professor off guard once again. "Has Mr. Weasley been shirking his duties?" she asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"No, it's nothing like that," Hermione reassured honestly. "Ron has been fine but it was obvious to everyone that Harry was more deserving. He's done more for the school, his grades are better, and Ron has broken just as many rules as Harry over the years."

The silence dragged on as it appeared the deputy headmistress was considering what she could and should say.

"Mr. Potter was my first choice for the position but the headmaster thought he already had enough on his plate and it wouldn't be fair to burden him with the additional responsibility," McGonagall finally replied.

"What did Harry think?" Hermione asked, her annoyance growing as she thought about the myriad missteps of the prior term.

"I don't believe Mr. Potter was consulted for his thoughts on the matter," McGonagall said in a clipped tone, now clearly uncomfortable at the verbal dressing down she was receiving. Hermione decided she had pressed her far enough.

"I'm sorry professor but I won't be changing my mind. I also need to relay a message to you," she informed.

"Go on," McGonagall commanded tiredly.

"Harry would like you to stop by the hospital wing today if possible. He and Ron have something to talk to you about."

"Is it safe to say I won't be happy after my meeting with Potter and Weasley?"

"Probably not," Hermione answered. Finding out that the captain and keeper of the Gryffindor squad were both resigning from the team would definitely dampen her mood further. She'd let them deliver that particular bit of bad news themselves, however.

"Very well," she replied as she stood and banished her chair. "I will teach you the messaging spell before I pay them a visit. You can then use it to inform them that I am on my way."

"Thank you, professor," Hermione replied honestly. "I'm sorry it has come to this..."

"As am I, Miss am I..."

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