Chapter 7 - Part 1

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The implications of Harry and Hermione's second night off were immediately evident. Harry's flock of admirers were now splitting their time surreptitiously looking at Harry and glaring at her. Romilda Vane seemed particularly enraged at her existence these days. And although their looks were more benign Hermione noticed that Ron and Ginny seemed much more observant of their activities as well. Even Crookshanks had gotten in on the act, opting to sit in Harry's lap or at his feet whenever possible. From what she could gather, Harry, as usual, was oblivious to it all. As annoying as the resurgence in attention was, she wasn't really bothered. It was well worth it.

Unfortunately, nothing new had been learned regarding Professor Slughorn or Horcruxes. And although she had noticed how pale and distraught Draco seemed to look at all times in the last few weeks no progress had been made on that front least until their first Apparition lesson. The conversation Harry had overheard between Draco and his goons was one more piece of evidence that something was definitely going on.

"I knew they were up to something...just like I've been saying," Harry informed confidently as they exited the Great Hall. She listened as Ron and Harry discussed the conversation and considered whether to take Harry to task for shooting off his mouth at Draco. Ultimately she knew the internal debate was pointless...she had never been able to keep her opinions to herself and Harry needed to be smarter going forward.

"I wish you'd held your tongue, Harry," she admonished after they split apart from Ron. "You let him know you overheard them...that will just make him more cautious going forward."

It was clear her comment had slightly taken the wind out of his sails as he initially remained silent. It wasn't until they were headed to dinner that the subject was broached again.

"I reckon you were right earlier...about me spouting off to Malfoy." Harry mumbled.

"Just remember next time," she comforted, "Draco really is looking awful these days and I'm worried what he might do if he thinks he's been found out."

"Besides," she continued, "it's not like I've been the paragon for controlling one's emotions."

"You've been pretty good the last month," Harry replied, "or have you been setting animals on people behind my back?"

"Anyway," Hermione trudged forward, "did you have any luck with Apparition?"

"Not a lick," he shared, "I wasn't really trying if I'm honest...and after Sue splinched herself I was really put off."

She'd done her best over the last month to stress how crucial learning Apparition could be. At best Harry listened half heartedly to humor her and now his casual dismissal of the actual lesson struck a nerve...something that she'd accepted in the past but knew needed to be addressed.

Despite the fact that she'd just got done criticizing his actions she was about to jump into the breach once again. She hoped what she was about to say wouldn't muck up all the progress they had made over the last month...but she'd done her part in admitting her faults with the Prince and now it was Harry's turn.

"I have something to say," she began hesitantly. "I'm not saying it to nag...but I need you to listen."

"Go on," Harry prodded as he gave her a wary look.

"I know getting good marks isn't as important to you as it is to me and that is fine...but you need to try harder."

"I'm doing my best. You don't understand what it's like-" he sputtered in surprised defiance.

"You aren't," she shot back as calmly as possible. "I don't care if you don't pay attention in Astronomy and I understand if you aren't interested in Arithmancy or Ancient Runes...but there are things being taught every day here that could help save your life. Learning how to Apparate could save your could help you save my life...and you are wasting time by slagging things off."

Hermione Granger and the Paradigm ShiftΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα