Chapter 15 - Part 1

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As they made their way to the headmaster's office Hermione did her best to calm herself. Kreacher had been reluctant to accompany them but Harry's quick reassurance/order had done the trick. She couldn't remember seeing the aged elf look so energized and alive as he realized he may finally be able to accomplish his prior Master's final wish. Harry, however, looked uncomfortable...disturbed.

"You hold it the rest of the way, Kreacher," Harry informed as he handed Slytherin's treasure back to the aged elf.

"What's wrong?" she asked, confused that he wasn't as excited as she was about their discovery.

He shook his head as if he was trying to jiggle something back into place before speaking. "That thing is foul," he muttered, "it was like I could feel its heart beating."

It was clear to her that Kreacher holding the locket once again only because his master had requested it. The immediate unease it was causing was apparent.

"Are you all right, Kreacher?" she asked.

"Kreacher has not held the locket for many years," the elf replied gravely. "It makes Kreacher think about how he failed his Master...always thinking...always..." he spit out, becoming emotional once again. She needed to do something.

"I can try holding it," she volunteered. It was a measure of how negatively it still affected Kreacher that he quickly handed such a precious item over to her.

As they continued their walk she was surprised at the relatively benign affect that the locket was having on her. It was clear there was magic at play and she could feel the weight...the oppressiveness of it...but that was it. She felt no sinister beating hearts or had any miserable thoughts about failures and regret.

"Are you all right?" Harry asked in concern.

"I'm fine. I don't think it affects me as much," she answered honestly. I think I can carry it the rest of the way."

"Kreacher thanks Miss Granger for her help," the elf volunteered gratefully. She couldn't be sure as it looked wholly unnatural for him to do so but he appeared to be smiling at being relieved of his burden.

"Harry thanks you too," he supplied warmly, grabbing her free hand. She immediately felt something in the locket flare at his touch and pulled her hand away.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," she answered honestly, shooting him an apologetic look for her rejection. "When you grabbed my hand it seemed to come to life a bit."

Silence reigned at her disturbing revelation and the trio unconsciously quickened their pace. The sooner they took care of this abomination the better. It may have been her imagination but the heaviness she felt seemed to be growing with each step.

Thirty minutes later they were in the headmaster's office. Kreacher had once again recounted the sad and horrific back-story of the he had been used as a lamb being led to slaughter by Voldemort...Regulus Black's bravery and sacrifice...his countless fruitless attempts at destroying the necklace.

Throughout it all, Kreacher looked to Harry when it became uncomfortable to continue...seemingly drawing support from the presence of his Master. Based on his expression it was clear that Dumbledore had picked up on the changing dynamic between the pair as well.

"You have been very brave, Kreacher. Master Regulus would be proud," Dumbledore supplied gently before turning his attention toward Harry. "It appears your elf has saved us from embarking on a fruitless journey. The cave he described was to be my next attempt at finding a Horcrux," he confirmed.

"We need to destroy it," Harry stated firmly, his eyes never leaving the locket as it lay on the headmaster's desk.

The headmaster nodded in affirmation before turning toward a nearby portrait. With a wave of his wand, the portrait swung open, revealing a hidden compartment. He quickly pulled out the sword of Gryffindor.

"We can do it with that?" Harry asked dumbly.

The headmaster considered the sword in his hand before continuing. "The sword of Gryffindor takes on the attributes of anything it comes in contact with. Can you think of any unique attributes that it could have acquired recently that would allow it to destroy a Horcrux?"

"Basilisk venom," Hermione answered immediately.

"Correct, Miss Granger. The venom in this sword allowed me to destroy the prior Horcrux as well," he continued academically.

"Master Regulus said that the locket must be opened first," the elf intoned. "Kreacher tried many times...all attempts failed," he finished, the shame apparent in his voice.

"I believe we have another unique tool at our disposal for that task, Kreacher," Dumbledore continued before Harry interrupted.

"Parseltongue," he blurted automatically as he stared unblinkingly at Slytherin's treasure.

"Very good, Harry," he complimented as he moved in front of the locket and held the sword over it with both hands. "If you will do the honor of opening the locket I will destroy the Horcrux. Miss Granger, you and Kreacher should step away and protect yourself," he directed.

Once she and Kreacher had moved to the open doorway she quickly cast Protego, making sure it was large enough to protect them both. "Be careful, Harry," she pleaded.

Harry nodded determinedly before casting his own shield and hissing his instruction. She heard a click and watched the doors of the locket slowly open.

Hermione was too far away to see what had appeared but the look of abject fear on the headmaster's face was clear. She'd never seen him look so weak...almost childlike in his vulnerability.

Does he know? Does he know of your machinations?

"Headmaster!" Harry spoke loudly. It had no effect as Dumbledore continued to gaze in horror at the locket.

The great Albus Dumbledore. Always leading. Always lying. Always failing.

"Headmaster!" Harry yelled once again but Dumbledore continued to be entranced.

How many have trusted you? How many have suffered and died needlessly because of that trust? You've failed them just as you will fail him. He has suffered and he will die for nothing.

"It's like the ring! It's trying to trick you to protect itself!" Harry screamed. "Don't listen to it! Stab it! Please, Headmaster!"

Harry's final words broke the spell as Dumbledore's eyes flashed toward him in recognition and his expression morphed into one of determination and barely controlled fury. Despite his age, it was clear to her at that moment why he was still considered by many to be the most powerful wizard alive.

"Protect yourself, Harry," he commanded before plunging the sword into the locket.

The scream emitted by the locket was like nothing Hermione had ever heard before and for the first time, she felt the true wickedness that was Lord Voldemort. It was unearthly in its evil.

She quickly dropped her wand and ran to Harry, engulfing him in a hug and burying her head in his shoulder. The feelings of loss and desperation were quickly replaced by comfort and reassurance.

"Three more to go," she mumbled.

"Three more to go," he repeated. He was so used to dealing with these horrific made her heart ache to think of how many times he'd experienced them alone. She would do everything in her power to ensure it never happened again.

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