Chapter 11 - Part 1

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Hermione and Harry had spent an additional hour/lifetime in her new favorite classroom. She couldn't believe she had planned on confessing her feelings to Harry in the common room with all of those annoying people around. Harry's idea had been much better.

The walk back to Gryffindor that typically would have taken ten minutes was taking three times as long tonight and it was all the cloak's fault. Because they were under the cloak she had to stay close to Harry. And because she was close to Harry she couldn't help but look into his eyes. And because she was close to Harry when she was looking into his eyes she was also close to his mouth. They'd had to stop three times along the way because of that damn cloak. It was a vicious cycle. A wonderful, luminescent, vicious cycle.

As slow as their journey was the fat lady finally came into view and her stomach sank a bit. Once they crossed that threshold the realities they faced, the realities Harry faced...would be back. For one brief, irrational moment she thought about them making a run for it.

Harry slowly pulled the cloak off as they approached the door, causing the fat lady to jump slightly in surprise. After getting over the initial shock of their appearance her eyes widened and a knowing smirk grew on her face. "I see someone's been having fun," she remarked gleefully.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Hermione asked. She'd made sure they'd gotten everything back in place during their last pit stop.

"Well you've fixed your hair and straightened your clothes but both your necks are looking quite...vibrant. Especially Mr. Potter's"

Hermione let out a squeak of horror and Harry started laughing...loudly.

"Harry!" she protested feebly, "this isn't funny!"

"Come on, it's a bit funny," he grinned. He had such a nice grin.

"We've all been there, dear," the portrait reassured. "I remember one particularly memorable night with the monk on the fourth floor a few years ago. I could have used an easel and a friendly artist the next morning let me tell you..."

Harry raised a questioning eyebrow. "Doesn't that sort of go against the whole reason for being a monk?

The fat lady smiled dreamily. "Well, he is the epitome of the strong, silent type but let's just say his feelings concerning his other vows are a bit more fluid once he brings out the wine..."

They were mercifully saved from hearing the rest of the fat lady's reminisces as Harry pulled her back into a classroom. "You do me first," he advised as he cast Lumos and held the light up to his neck.

Hermione quietly went to work fixing the loving damage she had done to Harry, now thankful for these final few intimate minutes before she had to start sharing him with the world once again. The room was eerily silent save for the sound of her spell casting. Harry idly played with her hair as she worked, a small smile playing out on his face. It made it a bit harder for her to concentrate but she gave no thought to having him stop. She watched the last mark magically fade away and felt a profound sense of disappointment at being finished.

"Your turn," she said reluctantly before casting Lumos herself.

Harry cupped her face with his free hand and quietly muttered "you are so pretty" before setting to work. She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch, reveling in the moment. Harry's magic felt lovely. This was now her second favorite classroom.

Harry finished his work and they were ready to leave once again. She realized they needed to do some planning.

"We need to decide whether we let everyone else know about us," she began, silently cheering at there now being an us to worry about.

"You want to keep our relationship a secret?" Harry asked, confusion and betrayal evident in his voice.

"No!" she replied forcefully...more forcefully than she'd intended.

Harry looked relieved before becoming more pensive. "Maybe we should though...for your safety."

"No," she once again replied. "I'm your best friend and a muggleborn. I'm already at risk...and any additional risk is worth it. I do think we should tell Ron and Ginny before going public, though."

Harry looked confused once again. "Ron I get, but what's Ginny got to do with it?" The boy was clueless.

"She has feelings for you, Harry," she answered bluntly. Despite the last few hours she was still a bit insecure at what Harry's reaction would be at the news.

Harry chuckled. "You said she gave up on me."

"She gave up on you being interested in her so she relaxed around you and started dating other people. That doesn't mean her feelings went away. Trust me. She is going to be upset."

"If you say so," Harry replied, disbelief evident in his voice. To her immense relief, any interest in Ginny appeared to be long forgotten. "You can talk to Ginny and I'll talk to Ron after class tomorrow."

"Okay," she agreed, grabbing his hand and pulling him out of the room. "If all goes well we'll be shocking Hogwarts by breakfast on Tuesday," she continued as they approached the fat lady once again.

"Better?" she asked the portrait, stretching her neck to provide a better view.

"Much," the fat lady said approvingly. "And may I be the first to say you two make a lovely couple."

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