Chapter 8 - Part 3

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As she approached Professor Slughorn's classroom Hermione felt inordinately nervous...not because she thought Dagworth posed any sort of threat...but because she felt so stupid. Dagworth didn't seem to be the sort to boast about figuring out she was talking about Harry and Kreacher but that was beside the point. She knew...and it was infuriating.

She entered the room to find Klaus had already arrived. He appeared to be disappointed that Harry was not with her.

"Miss Granger," he greeted, "it is good to see you again."

"You too, Mr. Dagworth. I appreciate you taking the time...and please call me Hermione."

"Not a problem," he assured. "I meant what I said at the party. It's refreshing to see someone so concerned about house-elves...particularly one as surly as the one you described."

"Did you really think you scared me off at the party?" Hermione asked.

Dagworth shook his head in remembrance of their prior conversation. "I can be a bit overbearing when people criticize Sluggy. I think I may have been a bit over the top in my defense."

"No," she replied, "it was good to see him from a different perspective. When I think about what you said I agree with most of it."

"Most?" he inquired, clearly curious where there was still disagreement.

"Well, I agree with what you said...that he does care about us as people...that it isn't just about getting to stand on the shoulders of giants..."

"But..." he prodded.

"He is a coward," she stated bluntly. "I won't go into details but there are things he knows...things that could help against Voldemort...but he refuses because he is scared."

"'ve sorted out the one thing I can't defend," he replied. "I know we have limited time but can I waste a few minutes on a personal story that may help explain?"

He took a seat beside her and mimicked her action...staring straight ahead at the blackboard. "I told you I was the head of the least respected Department at the Ministry but that was an exaggeration. Care to guess which department wears that crown?

"Misuse of Muggle Artifacts," she replied immediately.

"Right in one," he confirmed. "Now, I've always reveled in my martyrdom. I love the work and it is important, but I also like the sense of superiority I I'm less shallow than the other sycophants as I toil away quietly and humbly in defense of the oppressed. But my courage only goes so far. I keep my mouth shut whenever possible...don't make waves...and do my best politically to make a difference."

"But Arthur Weasley...he is better than me...not a better politician mind you...but better. He doesn't care about himself...but he cares about everything else. His and Harry Potter. He cares deeply and has the courage not to hide it. I, unfortunately, am like Sluggy...a coward. I care about many of the same things but I hide it whenever possible."

"But you're here," she countered, "that counts for something."

"Excellent point," he complimented, "and no-one is more surprised than me at that fact...but I'll get there."

"I wasn't exaggerating about everyone knowing Mr. Potter's owl. As soon as it winged its way to my office the Ministry rumor mill kicked into overdrive. 'Dagworth is consorting with Harry Potter!''"

"Incidentally...let Mr. Potter know he has a bloody smart owl. There are wards in place to direct post owls to the mailroom but that owl was having none of it. It dodged Ministry security, pecked at my office door until my assistant opened it, landed on my desk, and proceeded to stare at me until I took the letter. First time it's happened to me at the Ministry."

Hermione Granger and the Paradigm ShiftWhere stories live. Discover now