Omake Interlude

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A/N: If you are interested in a slightly different and quite stupid alternative version of Harry and Demelza's conversation please see below. Is this thoroughly unnecessary passage the pinnacle of my writing career and quite possibly my life? Maybe.

"You and Demelza seem to have become quite cozy," Hermione observed. "Should I be jealous?"

Harry shrugged his shoulders. "She asked questions about us and I asked questions about Ginny and Dean. It was a mutually beneficial exchange of information."

Hermione raised an eyebrow. "And what deep, dark secrets did you share about me?"

"Don't worry," Harry replied. "All I had to say was how amazing you were and Demelza sort of filled in the blanks from there. Most of the girls who weren't interested in me for themselves were rooting for you. They are quite passionate about it."

"You're joking," she protested.

"Ours is a love story years in the making if Demelza is to be believed," he answered casually.

"Well she's not wrong," Hermione mused.

We've even got a name."

"A name?" Hermione asked.

"Yes, a couple's name. They're calling us Harmony."


"It's a play on words, you see. They combined our names and we are apparently perfect for one another. know...we're harmonious. Pretty clever if you ask me."

"If I'd ended up with Ginny we were going to be called Hinny," he said with a shudder. "Can you imagine? It sounds like a respiratory condition."

"Who is doing this?" Hermione asked desperately. She was a serious, responsible person. Her love life should not have a name.

"Everyone, apparently. Demelza says it's become quite popular," he replied casually. "Did you realize if we got married and you took my last name we'd have the same initials? Demelza thought that was very sweet.'

Hermione had been dreamily ruminating on that fact for years but she wasn't going to admit that to Harry. At her prolonged silence he continued on.

"By the way, which pet name do you prefer? Mione, Mi or Hermi? I'm partial to Mione although Mi could work as well sounds like My. But then I thought that would make you sound too much like a possession. I suggested Janey but Demelza didn't think it resonated enough."

"I don't want to be called any of those names," Hermione answered angrily.

"It's not that simple,'s bigger than us now. We've got our fans to consider."

"What are you talking about? And don't call me Mione!" she shouted.

"So...Mi then?"

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