Chapter 9 - Part 1

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It had been a busy and exceedingly fascinating several weeks since the first mirror meeting. They had made significant progress on the project...mainly due to her her immense joy...Harry's contribution. She was still responsible for a majority of the work but Harry had really made a difference. Having him intently listening to her ramblings and adding his own thoughts when he could had been everything. Slughorn had been onto something in mentioning how well they complimented each other.

Most amazingly he had begun spending virtually all of his free time with her. Even Quidditch didn't seem to be a major focus as Harry spent very little time working on or talking about Quidditch outside of the mandatory practices. On more than one occasion Quidditch members had attempted to start a conversation on potential strategies only to be put off by Harry...saying they would talk about it later. Only there was never any later...because the later was spent with her in the library or the common room...or in the kitchens...or studying outside when the weather cooperated. She felt a bit bad about how much she was enjoying monopolizing so much of Harry's time but reminded herself that it was Harry's choice.

But while Harry had done his part in creating the mirrors the contributions of the other two initial participants had become virtually nonexistent.

Ron's lack of sustained impact on the project was most likely because he was...well...Ron. As good as his intentions were at the beginning, the fact remained that sitting and poring through books was not his strength...and it was certainly not something they could have expected him to do in the long term. So while he still showed up for their discussions he remained relatively silent and spent most of his time doodling on his parchment. Unlike in the past, he never complained or made jokes at her expense...which was a nice change.

After supplying the mirrors at their second meeting Lavender's contribution to the cause now was non-existent. She had not shown up for the last two meetings...had not even spoken to Hermione recently despite the fact that they shared a room. Hermione had racked her brain trying to think of anything she had said or done over that could have set the girl off but came up with nothing.

And although Lavender and Ron were still together Ron seemed to be doing his best to spend more and more time elsewhere than at her side. He had even volunteered to take additional after-hour patrols at the last Prefect meeting. She felt bad at looking so shocked at his pronouncement until she realized everyone else in attendance was equally as surprised. It was such an odd role reversal. Volunteering for extra patrols was something she would never even consider at this point because it would mean less time spent with Harry

Perhaps the most startling occurrence had happened thirty minutes ago at their third Apparition lesson. As she dug into her lunch she did her best to stifle the slight pang of jealousy she was now feeling. Thankfully her feelings of pride and admiration successfully drowned it out. In the end, she realized that being jealous of Harry accomplishing something before her was like being jealous of the sun rising every morning. It was infinitely better when she focused on the warmth it provided.

"It isn't fair!" Ron exclaimed good-naturedly before enthusiastically digging into his lunch. "You're the only one in our year whose side along Apparated and now you're the first to do it on your own! What was it like?"

"Slightly less awful since I knew the awful feeling was coming," Harry muttered, uncomfortable with the attention his success had garnered.

"Well we've got two weeks until the next lesson and you have to teach me how you did it," Ron instructed.

All of the Gryffindors seated around them were waiting with bated breath on Harry's answer. She noticed a few stray Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws had taken nearby seats as well. It seemed like everyone always waited on Harry for guidance and their reliance seemed to grow every year.

Hermione Granger and the Paradigm ShiftTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang