Chapter 19 - Part 2

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The seconds felt like hours as she was forced to listen to Harry attempting to suppress his cries of pain. While Daphne's agony was full throated and loud Harry's was stubbornly muted as he did his best to suppress the damage that the spell was causing. If anything it made it more difficult for her to endure. He always fought. Always. 

She felt the tears sliding down her face and realized there were some things even magic couldn't suppress.

And suddenly the torturous screaming stopped as a cacophony of new voices sounded from the other room. Help had apparently arrived.

"Looks like the odds have evened up," Harry grit out.

She heard the floo flare to life and felt another wave of relief wash over her. The headmaster had finally arrived. A scattered clattering of wands hitting the floor followed several seconds later. It appeared they knew they were no match for Dumbledore.

"Mr. Clayhorne, what have you done?" Dumbledore asked, fury evident in his voice.

"Not nearly enough," Clayhorne replied defiantly as the sound of spellfire ceased altogether. Apparently order had been restored in the other room as well.

"He used the Cruciatus on me. Parkinson did the same to Daphne Greengrass," Harry informed.

"You'll be going to Azkaban," Dumbledore informed gravely.

"Not for long," Clayhorne answered, "and Pansy and I are the only ones who have reached our majority. The worst you can do to the rest is expel them."

She heard what sounded like a punch followed by something heavy hitting the floor. She assumed that it was Clayhorne.

"Where is Miss Granger? And what has happened to Horace?"

"Get them out of here first," Harry ordered.

After several moments of murmured orders and people being shuffled out the room was silent.

"Him as well."

"You little-"

"If you don't order him to leave I'll hex him myself."

"Severus, please check with Poppy about any additional potions she may need. I do not believe Horace will be any condition to assist."


"Now, Severus."

The room fell silent again before she heard the sound of a door closing.

"She's in the storage room, under the invisibility cloak. I petrified her."

Finally, mercifully, Finite Incantatem was cast and she was released from Harry's spell. She quickly pushed past the headmaster and sprinted to Harry, catching herself moments before barreling into him.

"It's all right," he mumbled as he pulled her close.

"I don't want to hurt you," she stated as he heard him let out a grimace.

"It's okay," he gritted into her ear as his head fell on her shoulder.

"It's not okay!" she replied through her tears. "Don't ever do that again. It's you and me, Harry. Don't ever do that again."

"They were after you. I couldn't let them hurt you."

She had no response for that because it really was that simple. If she had thought of petrifying Harry and sacrificing herself she would have done it without a second thought. He'd been hurt too much already. She just wanted it all to end.

"Miss Granger-"

"They threatened Mr. Dagworth's family. I think he was authorized to use Professor Slughorn's floo. He put the professor under the Imperius and had him lock us in. It was all coordinated and planned."

"And Miss Greengrass?"

"She warned us then pretended to be on their side to delay them from finding us," Harry continued with the story. "You need to find Astoria Greengrass. She helped warn us as well and-"

"Astoria is most likely in the hospital wing as we speak. She and a few other students from Hufflepuff were involved in a confrontation."

"She must have been trying to stop more from coming here," Hermione interjected. "Is she all right?"

"I do not know. Professor Sprout was the one who came upon the fight. "Astoria insisted that she inform me of what was going on immediately."

It was then that Hermione became aware of the rumbling chorus from the other room.

"I believe there are members of your group waiting to escort you to the hospital wing, Harry. Can you make it under your own power while I tend to Professor Slughorn and Mr. Dagworth?"

"What about the students who attacked us?"

"They will more than likely be expelled," Dumbledore supplied tiredly. "Unfortunately Mr. Clayhorne is right. There isn't much more that can be done to those who have yet to turn seventeen. But we can discuss this later once I have more information. You need medical attention and I need to begin dealing with what has happened tonight. Am I correct in assuming that Miss Greengrass was the source of your list?"

Hermione waited for Harry's nod before replying. "Yes. She was assisted by others but she was the leader."

"Then I will need to inform her parents as well. I need to know the names of all who have assisted you two. It is for their protection."

"You'll tell Professor Snape and we don't trust him," Harry mumbled.

"I will not share the names with Severus. You have my word," Dumbledore replied.

"Blaise Zabini and Tracey Davis," Hermione supplied as she wrapped an arm around Harry and led him toward the exit. She opened the door and found their head of house as well as several students waiting for them. Ron seemed to be favoring one of his legs and Lavender had a rather nasty cut on one of her arms.

"You all right?" Ron asked.

"Not really but I will be. You?"

"I've been better," Ron answered with a muted chuckle.

"May I suggest we continue this conversation in the hospital wing?" McGonagall interjected. "Do you need assistance with Mister Potter?"

"I've got him," Hermione murmured as she delicately pulled him closer. "I've got him."

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