Chapter 14 - Part 3

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Because of the size and the rapidly expanding scope, the meeting lasted much longer than expected. It was only thanks to Dobby's friendly reminder that Hermione was aware that time had gotten away from her and curfew was looming. She and Harry waited for everyone to leave before they began their quiet trek...hand in hand...back to the Gryffindor common room. She reveled in the feel of Harry's hand and the blessed silence as her brain slowly stopped spinning from the day's events. This quiet time with Harry was doing a wonderful job in calming her and she couldn't wait for more once they plopped down on their couch with Crookshanks.

"Shit," Harry muttered as he stopped walking, "it's Monday. We still need to talk to Kreacher."

Hermione simultaneously wanted to complain at the extra task and scream in exultation at how much Harry's relationship had evolved with the elf. As mentally exhausted as she was Harry's growing camaraderie and sense of duty toward Kreacher restored a bit of her energy. She quickly cast Expecto Patronum and sent a message off to Ron.

"What did you do?" Harry asked.

"I sent a message to Ron letting him know that we would be out after curfew and asked him to cover for us," she explained.

"You are so much better at breaking the rules and not getting caught," Harry exclaimed as he pulled her into the nearest classroom.

As Harry began the now standard script with the elf, Hermione allowed her mind to wander to how much the Hogwarts Defence Force had expanded beyond her expectations. She had anticipated having to miss several classes each week to protect the room but the reality was much different. If everyone stuck to their commitment the Defence class she had missed that morning would be her only absence from tuition. They were now overflowing with volunteers and Harry and she had volunteered to cover the daily time period from six to eight in the morning to avoid any grumbling from the rest of the group about having to get up so early.

When she had volunteered for the early time slot the assumption was that she'd be handling it alone but Harry quickly disavowed her of that notion. It had been difficult for her not to get visibly emotional when he quickly modified her "I" to "we" in front of everyone. She could practically feel the girls in the crowd sighing wistfully at the romanticism of it all.

Hermione forcefully turned her attention back to the conversation taking place between Harry and his elf. She could resume the ruminating on the wonderfulness of Harry once she was back in the Gryffindor common room, staring into the fire and buried into his side. She couldn't wait.

"Kreacher has finished cleaning the library and thinks he is ready to begin working on the second floor," the elf intoned proudly.

"That sounds good," Harry informed with an approving nod. "Go ahead and start with the master bedroom. Once you think it is acceptable, move to the next room. Just remember to rest as much as you need to, okay?" Harry asked, drawing a sincere nod from the elf.

It had been fascinating to watch the aged elf's resistance to Harry's charm gradually wane over the last several weeks. It had been weeks since she'd seen the elf look uncomfortable or angry at being summoned and despite his best intentions, it appeared to Hermione that Kreacher was enjoying Harry's attention and concern lately. It could have been her hopeful imagination but as the weeks had progressed it seemed that the elf's skin had sagged a bit less, his tunic seemed to be a bit less dirty, and his disdain for her existence had virtually disappeared.

"Great!" Harry answered with false enthusiasm. "I think that's it for tonight. Is there anything I can do to help you?" he asked.

Although the elf had consistently declined assistance each week Mr. Dagworth was adamant that Harry should keep asking. It was important to continually remind Kreacher that Harry was concerned for him if they were going to combat the elf's years of abuse.

Hermione was all set for Kreacher's standard negative response but it didn't come. Instead, the elf remained silent...silent and pensive. He was clearly considering something.

"Kreacher would like Master's help but Kreacher is worried," the elf finally muttered.

"Worried?" Harry replied in confusion.

The elf nodded gravely, still unsure if he should continue. After several uncomfortable moments of silence, he appeared to come to a decision. "Kreacher has an important task that his former Master asked him to fulfill many years ago but Kreacher has been unable to do so. Kreacher would like Master Potter to help him," the elf croaked out. He was trembling now...seemingly terrified at sharing the information with Harry.

"I don't think I want to help you with anything Walburga Black-"

"Not Mistress...Master," Kreacher corrected...the urgency and desperation clear in his voice. Despite his obvious fear, he plowed ahead. "Master Regulus."

"Regulus Black?" Harry asked, confusing Hermione even more. Who was Regulus Black?

The elf nodded before pulling out a square necklace from his worn and ragged tunic.

Harry's eyes bulged in recognition and she felt the hairs on her arm instantly stand on end. Something was happening. Something monumental.

"What is it Harry?" she demanded.

"I think that's a Horcrux."

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