Chapter 13 - Part 4

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She was initially surprised at the low turnout for her impromptu meeting before realizing it made sense. Most of Dumbledore's Army had most likely stowed away their coins and didn't get the message on such short notice. The room had helpfully supplied a multitude of chairs but only three were necessary. She decided it was only right that these three were the first to know of their plan.

"It looks like it's just us so I suppose we can get started," she began. "There have been a few developments over the last couple of days and we need to get the group together and hopefully expand on it a bit."

"What's going on?" Neville asked seriously. It was clear he was ready to do whatever was necessary.

"It's going to be a bit boring," she warned. "And you are most likely going to get a few detentions out of it if you agree to help...not to mention your housemates being furious for the points you are going to lose..."

Neville appeared unfazed by her warning while Ginny looked intrigued. Luna, as always, wore a pleasant smile, patiently waiting for her to continue.

As she recounted what had happened and what they were planning she was struck again by their varied reactions. Neville listened intently and unemotionally while Ginny's anger spiked when she relayed what happened during her meeting with Dumbledore. Luna's smile remained steady throughout, growing when Hermione explained her plan to have groups of students sitting outside the Room of Requirement at all times to prevent Draco entering.

"Having other people to talk to will be nice," the Ravenclaw exclaimed dreamily. "When do we start?"

"Yeah, when do we start?" Neville repeated.

"I've actually already started," Hermione explained. "I planned on staying here all day today. We've got a house elf who will be taking over each evening at eight. I was actually hoping for a better turnout so we could have more volunteers and start setting up a schedule..."

"We can take care of that," Neville volunteered. "I'll talk to the Gryffindors, Luna can talk to the Ravenclaws, and I can let Hannah and Sue know what's going on so they can talk to the Puffs. What do you reckon...fourth years and up?"

"We can have another meeting tomorrow night after everyone knows," Ginny interjected, drawing a happy nod from Luna.

"We need another name though," Ginny continued, the annoyance clear in her voice. "Dumbledore's Army doesn't seem to fit anymore."

"I've had a thought on that," Hermione continued. "I thought we could call ourselves the Hogwarts Advanced Guard."

"HAG?" Ginny said disbelievingly, drawing a chuckle from Neville.

"Not HAG,' Hermione protested, "the Hogwarts Advanced Guard."

"Yeah, I'm with Ginny. That's an awful name," Neville replied

"Hag," Luna repeated dreamily as she considered Hermione's suggestion. "I like it."

"Thank you, Luna," Hermione replied defiantly.

"What about the Hogwarts Defense Force?" Neville offered. "It gets the same point across."

"And no-one will be calling us HAGs," Ginny smirked.

"Hogwarts Defence Force," Luna repeated, "I like it."

"Fine!" Hermione acquiesced, "Hogwarts Defense Force it is."

"Thank Merlin," Ginny replied.

The rest of her day passed quietly as Neville and Luna began spreading the word to the masses. Ginny had sat with her for a few hours and chatted amiably, talking about anything but her and Harry's relationship. As news spread more and more students stopped by throughout the day, asking questions and promising they would be at tomorrow's meeting. Each time she checked the map to confirm Draco's whereabouts he seemed to be pacing in his bedroom.

Ginny had just left to inform McGonagall of her own resignation when her mirror warmed.

How was your first day inciting a revolution?

Very boring. And I missed you, she quickly tapped back.

Pomfrey said Ron and I could get out of here first thing tomorrow morning so we'll be able to get in trouble for skiving off classes with you.

Looking forward to it, she replied. Her mirror warmed once again.

McGonagall taught me the messaging spell. You aren't going to believe this.

She waited in vain for a follow up message before she spotted a silver object scamper around the corner and head her way. It looked very much like her Patronus but a bit brighter and slightly larger. As the otter bounded up to her she couldn't help but smile. It opened its mouth and began to speak in Harry's voice.

"I hope you appreciate this because Ron's never going to let me hear the end of it."

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