Chapter Four

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Friday was a day off, so I spent my time reading books and watching movies with my parents. I took a nap that lasted until around 7:30pm, which gave me enough time to get ready for 8:00pm when Carly arrives to drive us to the amusement park. As an extra thought, I got a small satchel kind of bag and put extra supplies in it. I spent about 20 minutes picking an outfit and making myself look good until the doorbell rang. Carly was wearing a red tanktop with a grey blazer and plaid skirt, much better than what I came up with.

"You look awesome, Y/N! Ready to go?"

"Yep! C'mon!"

I closed the door behind me and locked it before going and getting in the passenger seat of her sedan. The drive was about twenty to thirty minutes long, but it was easy to tell when we arrived. There were neon lights and signs followed by the rides being colourful to match the aesthetic of the place. Carly helped me out of the car and started walking while holding onto my hand after locking the car, she was so excited to try "every single" ride.

"I haven't been to one of these since I was in middle school!! I forgot what it's like!"

She was completely astonished by the food stands and game booths, running towards a dart game. We spent about an hour and a half going on rides and playing games, until we finally took a break to get stuff from the booths.

"Y/N! Could you please get us some drinks over by that stand? Here's the money, buy whatever you want<3!"

Carly had handed me almost over $100 and flashed me a smile as I walked over to the drink stand. My eyes flicked over to the menu sign, trying to figure out what Carly would've wanted to drink. As I carefully looked over the contents, I decided on getting Carly a peach crush soda, and getting myself an ordinary water. If I ordered anything too tacky I would've embarrassed myself for no reason. As the man behind the counter prepared our drinks, he gave me a disgusting grin which made me purse my lips together. My legs started shaking the more people gathered around the stand, as soon as my hands got ahold of the drinks I speed-walked as fast as possible towards Carly, who was holding two cones of cotton candy.

"Is everything alright? That asshole at the stand didn't try anything, right? I'll kill him if he made you uncomfortable!!"

"Carly, don't worry- It's fine, let's just enjoy our time here, it's an amusement park after all."

She rolled her eyes sarcastically and took her drink from me, replacing it in my hand with the blue and purple cotton candy. We looked around for about five to ten minutes until we found a place to sit down. As we had been talking for about an hour, I felt anxious, a gut feeling as if there was some sort of danger.

"Is it just me or do you feel like we're being watched..?"

"I'm actually feeling that too. But no matter how much I look around I can't seem to see anyone looking at us."

I shakily sighed, glancing around until I felt worse, a horrible thought.

"Carly, do you think someone's stalking us..?"

"What?! No!! That would be obscured! If anyone tried stalking my best friend I'd kill them!!"

After getting her to calm down Carly comfortingly patted my shoulder, and we smiled at each other. She continued comforting me as we walked back to her car, freezing air frizzing past my bare arms. I was almost entirely silent the ride back to my house, Carly tried making some conversation, though she was obviously weary of the situation.

"Remember, call me immediately if you need anything."

I nodded at her and smiled, closing the door to the passenger seat and walking to the front door of my house with my keys in hand. It was oddly quiet, I would've been overly scared if I didn't know Carly was watching me. She wouldn't let anything happen to me thankfully. As soon as I got inside my house and turned the lights on, I saw her smile and wave goodbye as she pulled out of my driveway. When my door closed, an unbearable silence filled the room. Without any entertainment or objective, I collapsed onto my couch and covered myself in the blanket, playing a movie and starting to doze off. The next time I woke up, the news channel was on and it was almost 2:40pm. As soon as I fully understood what was being shown, my eyes widened in shock and I covered my mouth to stop myself from vomiting. That creepy man from the drink stand at the amusement park had been found killed and impaled on the tent pin at the top, his guts strung and torn from his body. Someone had slaughtered him after the amusement park had closed, completely gutted and with his throat slit.

868 words.
(A/N: Are these chapters too long? I feel like they are.)

Ghostface X Reader (Will rewrite soon bc this sucks😻)Where stories live. Discover now