Chapter Sixteen

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The rest of the day I stayed in my house, trying not to do anything too risky seeing as the note specifying for us to meet mentioned that he was always watching. It made me anxious, but I ignored it and just went on with my day, still concerned obviously. I wanted to know why he was in love with me, but why would I even want to talk with a serial killer?? About three hours went by, my parents finally came home and called me to help them carry groceries inside, which I reluctantly agreed to doing. After we got all the bags and boxes inside I flopped onto the couch and groaned out of boredom, I had nothing to do, and I was pretty sure that the others were busy for the rest of the day.

"Y/N, are you alright? I know it's hard for you seeing as everything that's happened recently..but please make sure you pay attention to your own health."

My mother comfortingly smiled at me after speaking, turning back to the groceries and beginning to organize them throughout the kitchen and pantry. Eventually she finished organizing and my dad sat down on the edge of the couch, turning on the TV and staring to watch some old show from 1955 called Gunsmoke. It was an average show, western themed town in black 'n white with cowboy, maiden-ish characters and incidents for each episode of the twenty seasons. It wasn't that interesting, but it was decently funny. I stayed lying on the couch, watching Gunsmoke with my dad until he fell asleep. Eventually I got bored, going up the stairs and to my room to most likely pass out. It was around midnight, so it was a reasonable time to go to sleep, despite me not being tired. I didn't bother to change into pyjamas, I just lied down on my bed and began to drift off to sleep. Eventually after about five to ten minutes everything went black and I was asleep. Apparently I woke up, feeling groggy and freezing cold. When I looked to the time, it was 1:45am, only about two hours after when I went to sleep. After a moment, I turned to look at my window leading to the woods and saw Jed sitting on the windowsill, just looking at me.

"What the fuck are you doing here??"

I tried to stay quiet, seeing as if my parents caught me with a murderer then everything would go to hell.

"Visiting, you were confused on earlier today, besides, 'I'm always watching', I saw all your searching and thinking."

My lips pursed as I felt loads of embarrassment rush through my veins, how could I forget he probably predicts and knows my every move.

"Yeahhhh, I mean you're a serial killer that brutally over-kills all of your victims so of course I would be confused..!"

He nodded, entirely climbing in through my window and closing it behind him, obviously noticing that it was freezing outside. He stood still, waiting for me to speak again.

"Okay, well first off, before you tell me anything, stop killing people that I interact with that go from how Brent was like to that guy Marc or whoever."

His shoulders slumped, and he stayed silent for a moment before nodding again.

"Fine. Anything else?"

He was noticeably bothered by the sudden requirement, still barely moving.

"Ummm...stop watching me so much, don't break into my house like you just did, and....don't get mad about people like Brent or Marc if they don't effect me? I'll let you know if there's more, obviously."

He sighed and nodded, beginning to explain everything from earlier today in better detail.

"So pretty much as soon as you arrived to Woodsboro it gained my attention, since I find out about absolutely everything that goes on (especially around you), I decided to take a break from the work I currently had to do and take an interest in you. Over time I eventually noticed that there was something about you, it made my heart flutter with every action, every word, every single thing about you made me fall farther in love with you. When Megan began to talk with her friends about how 'easy' you were, I got mad and decided that the party was a perfect opportunity to..get rid of her. Same thing with Brent Lawson, I watched you and your friend in the amusement park, and when Brent made those disgusting eyes at you it pissed me off so as soon as people left I gutted him. And if I'm being honest I was flattered you took such an interest in me, spent hours researching about me."

I could tell he was smiling, just from the tone of his voice. He made a hum of amusement, I had no clue why, but it was awkward.

"Your face is red, doll. Didn't think you'd be that embarrassed at the fact I know you researched about me."

That's what he found amusing.. He hummed again, my face obviously being even more red than before.

"You idiot, I was researching about you because I needed to know more so I could have warnings for myself an-"

He gave me a silent laugh, nodding.

"I know, 'just teasing you."

He was annoying. If I had to see him often I would start to lose my mind. After a few seconds of silence, I decided I was too tired to continue talking so I sighed and began to turn back to the angle I was sleeping at before.

"'Kay, we figured that out, I'm going to sleep. Close my window on the way out."

He shot me a finger-gun before leaving through my window and closing it, he was weirdly funny.

1000 words.

(A/N: Sorry I haven't been able to write as much!😭 But at least I finally got to write about the interactions and not just stalking!)

Ghostface X Reader (Will rewrite soon bc this sucks😻)Where stories live. Discover now