━━━━ Eleven.

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The Wolf Bares its Teeth

╔════════════════════╗❝The Wolf Bares its Teeth❞╚════════════════════╝

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You noticed it. The warm and welcoming atmosphere turned into a very different one, the tension could be cut with a knife. Rindou's eyes staring daggers back at yours and yours doing the same with his. You wouldn't back up, your eyes wouldn't leave his.

"Mochizuki Kanji" Your body tensed up, multiple thoughts drifting through your mind, your palms getting sweaty, your breath hitching, "Does that name sound familiar to you?".

You had to get a hold of yourself, you were giving too much, you were showing too much. The rest were starting to get the hang of the conversation.
You were an intelligent woman, a very astute one. You could turn the tables, or at least try to.

"Yeah, I think I've heard it somewhere" You said nonchalantly, your expression matching your tone, "Does it sound familiar to you, Rindou?" This time, your voice adopted another timbre, it was more eerie, kind of menacing even. Your sudden change of personality not going unnoticed for the three men. "You know?" You started, your head tilting as you looked at your nails, your voice faking an exciting and friendly tone, "You never answered my question, you guys".

It was confusing how your kind and innocent self-made its way back to you but everyone could still feel that menacing aura coming out of you.

"You didn't answer mine, either" Rindou's accusing tone made your smile widen. "Well, I asked first and it was my turn" Your warm smile making its way back to your features, though your eyes glimmered with a mischievous intent. You were quite the woman, they thought.

"I don't think that's something you wanna know, doll" Your brows furrowed, the bad feeling in the back of your mind growing with each passing second, "Believe us, it's better that way" Kakucho's voice brought your attention down to your legs, where his head was still lying, his eyes closed.

"You asked about Mochi, so you knew him" You stated firmly, "Where from?" Your words not stuttering. You were starting to feel very bad about this situation. Some things clicking together, others just trying to click, though you didn't want to admit it just yet.

Your heart was beating so fast and hard against your ribcage that you feared Kakucho might be able to hear it. A strange feeling at the pit of your stomach, and not a pleasant one precisely.

"Where do you know him from?" The sudden appearance of another person behind you making your hairs stand on their ends, voice void of any emotion. You knew who that tone belonged to. Mikey.

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 : a Tokyo Revengers Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now