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3 years later...

Sasha was laughing while she talked animatedly with one of our frequent customers and you, in the mean time, took care of cleaning the rest of the tables. It was almost closing time, but this specific client usually waited until we were almost closing, for no reason in particular, none other than he liked Sasha as much as she liked him. And as the good friend you were, you took care of the closing shift in itself.

It had already been a little more than 2 years when you both decided to move. It was a dream that the two of you have always had: moving to a small and pintoresque town in Scotland Highlands and opening your own coffee shop. And after everything that happened 3 years tears ago, you had all the money it took for granting your wish.

None of you talked about the subject. It was almost taboo. You told her what was necessary, but never talked much about it, and she never pressed the subject as she knew the wound hadn't healed yet.

Even after all these years you still woke up haunted by those dark eyes that always looked so emotionless but held the most emotions you've ever seen that night.

You didn't know much about them, you tried not to look too much at the case as well as you tried not to ask too much questions to Fuji, the only person you still kept in contact from the Interpol.

He knew something in you broke that night when he saw you holding on to Mikey for dear life. It didn't took one too much to know that you ended up too compromised to go on with the case, even though you did.

He admired that of you. Yet you couldn't help but feel that it was the biggest mistake that you've ever made.

It had already been almost a year since the news of a few criminals escaping from a secluded, high-security prison broke out in Japan. About twenty men had Tokyo's streets horrified for weeks until everything cleared and most of them were caught.

That's how much you know about it since you didn't want to think about it.

Yet your mind always ended up drifting back to it. There was a posibility that kept your heart racing at a sickening speed. You prefered to ignore the fact that they might as well hate you for what you did; which made your eyes blurry with tears everytime the thought crossed your mind.

"You're thinking about them, again" your best friend's words brought you back to reality.

Your hand had stopped wipping the table a couple of minutes ago, leaving you to stare fixedly at it.

"Thanks" you quietly said, resuming your task.

It took you a year to learn to actually live after all that happened. To leave behind that empty shell that you had turned into. After two years you were already happy with your life, even though you thought -or tried not to think- that you would be happier with certain people, a certain person beside you. And after three years the thoughts of them had almost been gone. Almost.

At first, they were present each day, more hours than you could count. Now, they appeared only a couple times a week.

They were still present, yet their presence was not as suffocating as it used to be.

"I'm going out with Jake tonight, wanna come?" Sasha asked, wrapping a scarf around her neck. It was usually cold in that small town, even more now that it was winter. "No, I'll just go home and binge watch some Christmas movie to get myself in the mood" you said while you finished the last table.

"M'kay. If you need something, call me" she said before stepping out with Jake, to whom you waved your hand goodbye. The small bell on top of the door dinging as they went out.

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 : a Tokyo Revengers Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now