━━━━ Fifteen.

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Opening your eyes was a difficult task; your head was giving you such a hard time, and the blinding lights that illuminated the place made your headache increase unbearably

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Opening your eyes was a difficult task; your head was giving you such a hard time, and the blinding lights that illuminated the place made your headache increase unbearably. You were sore, your whole body screamed in pain when trying to move any joint but, what hurt the most, was your chest, just right beside your heart, where a clean bandage was neatly wrapped.

The room was void of any furniture, just the bed where you were lying on, a small table next to it and a chair on the other side. Everything was of a hurtful to the sight and unpolluted white.

That you were confused was an understatement.

First of all: where the hell were you?

Second: why the hell were you there in the first place?

You were hurt, seriously hurt, it seemed. But, even though that place looked like a hospital room, something told you it wasn't one. Then again, where were you?

Those and more questions running through your confused mind when the only door in that room opened, revealing a -let's be honest here- very handsome man, with Asian traits. His smooth, dark hair contrasting with his pale and clear skin; his thick eyebrows accentuated his warm red orbs; his lips looked soft; sharp jawline; broad shoulders; muscular arms, covered with the tight sleeves of a fitted shirt; and big gloved hands holding a stack of papers. Another question popped in your mind: who was this man?

"Oh! You're finally awake" He said with a hint of enthusiasm making your brows furrow, "I'll call a doctor" But you interrupted him before one of his gloved hands touched the door knob. "Where am I and what am I doing here? I know this is not a hospital, and also, who are you?" Your tone menacing, your face expressionless. He looked like a good person, but it could be a facade for all you knew.

"You have some questions, I see" his tone was calm, "Why don't we call a doctor first?" He asked this time, his hand reaching out to the door. "How about you answer my questions first? I'm not planning on dying in the next minutes" Finally, his hand retreated and he rose them up in surrender, "Fine, as you please, miss (L/N)".

Suddenly, something clicked. Although you've never met the man, you've heard that voice before.

"You're Fuji Yamamoto, am I right?" His surprised expression didn't go unnoticed by you. "You remember me, then" You didn't answer, your silence spoke for you. You knew who he was, and he also knew who you were, pretty well at that.

"You want answers, that's evident, but..." he made a pause in which he tried to carefully choose his next words, you, on the other side, were just waiting expectantly "I can't give them all to you just now" seeing your exasperated expression, he decided to talk before you did "you need to rest first, miss". "Oh, for fuck's sake, I'm okay! I just need answers!" You were being rude, that's something both of you thought at the moment, "if you want me to rest, give me the answers I'm looking for" you looked at him, intently, his eyes locked with yours. He was reading your intentions, he was reading you, you knew it, but you had nothing to hide, so you just let him be, "please".

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 : a Tokyo Revengers Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now