━━━━ Twenty.

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Saving the Night

Honestly, you were surprised when Mikey called you over to his office that morning to tell you that you would be going out on a mission with the Haitani brothers and certain pink-haired psycho

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Honestly, you were surprised when Mikey called you over to his office that morning to tell you that you would be going out on a mission with the Haitani brothers and certain pink-haired psycho. That you were on edge was an understatement. You knew that you weren't off the hook just yet. They still had their suspicions, founded ones, let's be honest here. They didn't trust you, at least not yet.

So that was going to be the next step in that suicidal plan you were taking over: earning their trust in any way possible.

"What do I have to do?" You asked breaking the silence in which the fourth of you were drowned into since you got in the car. It didn't go unnoticed to you how everything in that car was skillfully and meticulously calculated, from the way the two brothers sat in the front seats, leaving you at the back with Sanzu, who wouldn't hesitate to put a bullet right in your skull, making your brains taint a deep red the window beside you; to the way they all had their guns in a close radio, so that, if it came to it, they could, then again, take you out easy and fast.

Ran briefly looked at you from the rear-view mirror, like he's been doing for a while now, and redirected his attention back to the deserted road. "We go into the warehouse, you stay in the car."

As simple as that.

"Do I have to drive you guys out of there?" You asked in a confused tone. You weren't precisely an As when it came to driving skills. You didn't even want to think about the fact of driving while being chased. "No, you just stay in the car."

With furrowed brows, you waited for him or the other two men to say something else. If you were not going to do anything, then why did they bring you in the first place? Did they discover your true intentions? That fast? Your mind was then rushing at a dizzyingly fast speed. They couldn't, there was nothing that you could have done to give anything away.

Looking out the window, brows still furrowed, and already relaxed, it downed on you.

"Are you fucking babysitting me?"

You didn't receive an answer, not even a stare. You didn't need one, to be honest.

You let out a puff of air and shook your head a few times before locking your eyes back on the road. You were not given any piece of information about what they had to do, so hopping out of the car, unarmed, following them, when they were at a good distance away from you, and helping them out, was not a good idea. Killing them was not an option either, obviously. Besides, what were you going to use as a weapon? Your nails so you could take their eyeballs out? Yeah, that wasn't a good plan either.

𝐏𝐬𝐲𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 : a Tokyo Revengers Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now