Chapter 27

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I groaned, and tried to stretch out my stiff muscles, but it was nearly impossible to with Gavin's arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I groaned again, and tried to push his arms off of me, but that only ended with my pulled tighter against him. He muttered something about sleep and flipped me, so that I was on top of him. I rolled my eye and closed, resting. But I felt something coming up, and I shot out of his arms and into the bathroom, emptying the content of my stomach. Gavin raced into the bathroom after me and pulled my hair back, rubbing my back soothingly. I leaned against the bathtub and groaned. I heard shuffling and grumbling.

Gavin picked me up bridal style and carried me out of the bathroom.

"No! I have to brush my teeth! Gavin!"

Gavin groaned at my whining and put me back in the bathroom where I promptly brushed my teeth. Once I was sure that it smelled good and not like puke I opened the door. Gavin was there instantly picking me up bridal style again. I rolled my eyes as he nearly ran with me in his arms to Jades' doctor's office. He pushed the door open with his shoulder lightly, startling Jade.

"Oh! Gavin when you said you need me here I thought you would come barreling in through the door."

I snorted.

"So did I."

Jade let out a snort of laughter. Gavin just looked down at me and glared. Jade motioned for him to place me on the table behind the curtain closest to her desk. She shooed him out.


"No buts! We are best friends! We haven't been able to spend quality time together because you keep hogging her!"

Gavin sighed.

"Fine, fine. I'm going."

As soon as he was gone, we both bused out laughing. Jade said,

"I'll mindlink Sam."

I nodded my head. Her eyes glazed over for a few seconds. Then they went back to normal.

"She's coming."

As soon as she said that, Sam came running through the curtain.

"Oh my gosh Crystal! Are you okay? Do you need anything? Damn I feel like an amazingly sucky friend..."

Jade and I cut her off laughing.

"I'm fine Sam. Its probably just morning sickness."

Jade looked down at the floor.


Sam and I stared at her.

"Um, have you and Gavin used protection whenever you guys "do" it?"

I slowly shook my head.


Sam squealed.

"OMG! Does this mean I'm going to be an aunt? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh-"

Jade cut her off.

"We don't know that for sure. Crystal, when was the first time you guys did it?"

"You know, the night before Mary.."

I trailed off. Jade nodded her head in understanding.

"Did you guys use protection?"

I shook my head. Jade started smiling.

"Ok then, we need you to lift your shirt up. This gel will be a little col though, ok?"

I nodded my head. She placed this word gel stuff on my stomach and I gasped at how cold it was. Jade chuckled. I squeezed my eyes shut. She placed this thing over the gel and moved it around. Steady beeping came from the machine. I peaked open one eye to see Jade grinning like an idiot.

"Well, Sam. Looks like we are going to be aunts!"

Sam and I looked at each other, than all three of is squealed. Jade and Sam were jumping up and down. I leaned my head back and laughed in relief. I was going to be a mom.


"No remember guys, we are the only ones that can know about this okay?"

They nodded their heads in agreement. hopped off the bed and walked out of the hospital. Gavin was there immediately squeezing me in a hug.

"Gavin be car-"

Sam cut her off my smacking the back of her head. I smacked the back of his head when he let me go.

"You are so over protective! I'm fine, nothing's wrong!"

He rolled his eyes.

"Oh and by the way, Sam, Jade and I are going shopping."

He growled at me.

"No you aren't."

"Yes i am."

"No you are not."

"Yes. I. Am."





"No Crystal! And that's final."

I narrowed my eyes.

"Well to bad 'cause I'm going."

He growled at me and stormed off. I looked back at the girls.

"What was that about?"

Same shrugged. Jade answered,

"He and his wolf might not know you are pregnant, but he still feels the need to be over protective of the baby."

I nodded my head in understanding.

"So come on! Let's go shopping!"


O. M. G. Ahhhhhhhhh she's pregnant!!!! As I wrote that scene I texted my friend Hell_Angel_Innocence and said SHES PREGO over and over again LMAOOO at first she had no clue what I was talking about 😅😅 so good news is that by the time this book is over, I will be ready to post the prologue almost immediately after. I'm sooooooo excited!!! It's not even funny lmao.

Ok so my mom found out if I'm ok, and the doctors told her, but she won't tell me. So now I'm freaking out. All she said was that I would be able to recover soon and that I just needed to work wit them occasionally to help. I finally got something out of her tonight and she say I have short-term memory lose. But that's not all of it D: so I'm freaking out.

Soooo if I forget something on here like an update, message me or email me and I'll be able to let you know and remember lol

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