Chapter 4

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I was still in Gavin's lap when Sam came in.

"Crystal why did-"

Gavin must have glared at her.

"Well sorry to rain on your parade but I want to know if my friend is in the pack and why she is crying."

I sighed. I didn't know what to tell her about why I was in Gavin's lap. Wait what!?! I shot up from his lap, startling us both so we ended up on the floor I wiped my tears away from my face and said,

"I'm not crying. I'm just, um, well-"

"Let me stop you there Crystal, I can tell your tough and all, but you can be a softie sometimes around me."


I sighed


Sam tackled me to the ground again.

"Yah!!!!! You don't have any right to change your mind so are you in the pack?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Gavril beat me to it.

"Yes she was."

Sam narrowed her eyes.

"I was talking to Crystal not you. So Crystal did YOU get in the pack?"

"Yes I was accepted"

"Yah!!!!! Now you and I can hang out all the time!!"

She gasped loudly,

"Maybe we could even share a room! Yahhhh!!!!!!"

She suddenly looked at Gavin, then me.

"Oh wait if you 2 are mates then you guys would be sharing a room. So there goes my dream."

I'm pretty sure my face was as red as Walters face was when I told him off. I hid in my hands. Sam seemed to realize what she said. Her eyes widened

"Oh my gosh I didn't mean for it to sound like that! No wonder why your face is so red Crystal!"

If it could I'm pretty sure my face got even redder. Gavin just chuckled. Then my face got even redder!! Darn him!! "Well come on Sam I want to go get another coffee."

"I can go grab you one-"

"No no thank you Gavin but I really need to get it my self"

And with that I grabbed Sams arm and turn around, march over to my car and drove back to Starbucks. When we walked back in there, Walter seemed surprised to see us again.

"Sam, what are you doing back here?"

"We want another coffee."


He seemed surprised by the coldness in her voice. And to be honest, I was to. Then I realized, she must have heard my story and heard when Walter was being a jerk to me or tried to be.

"Caramel frapachino, 2"

"Um ok I will get those for you."

Suddenly, all three of us breathed in through our nose at the same time.


Gavin's P.O.V

I watched her leave then I went to go find my dad and as I turned a round to go find him, I nearly bumped in to him.

"Is that your mate?"

He asked quietly

"Yes she is."

I stated proudly. But he didn't seem happy, or anything really. He had no emotion on his face. Then suddenly it brightened.

"I'm proud of you son for comforting your mate. I can already tell she will make a fine Luna. For you and the pack."

My dads eyes glazed over. And then he growled.


My alpha instinct took over instantly



~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ there you go peeps hope you enjoyed this chapter! It took me forever to do this! Though I don't know why lol

Peice out!

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