Chapter 7

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"Hey douche bag! Leave my friend

Sam got in between me and Chris but not before him saying to me,

"You are Mine"

Fast-forward to present

Sam grabbed my hand. Then she pulled me out of Chris's grasp. Then he growled even though she knew that his wolf was in control Sam obviously didn't think his wolf had taken that much control.

"What's your problem? Leave my friend alone freak!"

Sam yelled which earned her a growl from him. I decided to mind link Gavin.

'Gavin get in here now with help before the new guy rips Sam's arm off!'

'I'm coming baby don't worry'

'You might want to hurry or you won't have anything to save'

With that I ended the mind link and just in time to to see a desk coming towards Sam. At the last second I pushed her out of the way and caught it with my stomach. But I was ok just down on the ground. Chris or his wolf Jack, was coming towards me and Sam.

Then I scooted on my but trying to get I away from him. I looked at the clock and saw that the bell rang about 10 min ago. I got up as fast I could but I wasn't fast enough to deflect a blow for Sam. It hit her square in the jaw. Then Gavin and two other people stormed in and they held Chris back will I checked to make sure that Sam was ok. She was already starting to heal. When Chris finally got control of his wolf, he looked at me and me Sam. Then he stormed out of the building reaching the forest line, were he shifted into his wolf.

"What were you thinking?"

"Hey! Don't yell at me Gavin! I am your mate! I will be treated with respect just as you will be once you treat me with that respect!"

With that I turned my back to him on our bed knowing that would drive him crazy since he was an alpha.

"Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell please forgive me. Can you please tell me what he told you?"

His voice became a whisper


"Ugh. Fine"

I gulped.

"But, you have to promise me that you won't freak out!"

He sighed

"Ok fine"

"H-he told me that I-was-his"

His eyes widened. Then anger flared in them. But I knew that his anger wasn't directed at me but it still freaked me out.

"Calm down Gavin! You are going to kill somebody if you don't!"

I put my hand on his shoulder. He visibly calmed. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you ok?"

He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.

"I don't know yet."


1 week later

We all laughed hard at what Sam said. I wiped the tears away that had come out since I was laughing so hard.

"That is classic Sam. Just classic."

She gave me an innocent look

"What did you expect me to do when a human guy kissed me? Did you think that I would really just let him get away with it without kicking his but? Our nearly shoving my foot up? Or flipping him on his back? And telling him it would be worse if I caught him looking at me, all in front of his friends?"

We started laughing again.

"Very classic Sam."

"Oh look here he comes now."

We all turned to look where she pointed. When he saw us looking at him, he visibly paled. Then he walked over to his table. And was tense. He seemed like he was waiting. For something to happen to him. We all started laughing again. Gavin put his arm on my shoulder. I leaned in to him. Without realizing it.

I felt eyes on me I turned my head and saw him looking at me with anger flaring in his eyes. I leaned in closer. He growled. But it wasn't that loud. I leaned in to Gavin even closer. Gavin looked at me with amusement in his eyes. I smiled back. Suddenly a chair went flying back. We all looked in the direction it came from. The entire cafeteria was silent. Chris was standing and glaring at Gavin. Gavin glared right back. I leaned in to him and whispered,

"Hey please calm down. You don't want to start a war do you that could destroy the pack and the future it could have?"

He sighed. Chris must have seen the exchange between us because his eyes turned black and he stormed right past us, our eyes never straying from him to make sure he didn't do any thing. He stormed out and we watched him make his way in the forest.


A few hours later
I was jogging in my human form in the woods in a blue sports bra and dark brown shorts. Suddenly, I was nocked over. And when I saw who it was, my blood boiled. It was Chris.


Hey!!! Sorry I would have updated faster but I was suffering from school and a sugar crash(btw, don't get one. It sucks)

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