Chapter 2

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I look at him and realize, that I have found my mate. That was also when I realized, my wolf hasn't been there with me today. Then, I took in a big breath through my nose. Most of every person here is werewolf. Well just great. Here I am on my first day and my wolf abandons me only to appear when he shows up. When he looks away the spell is broken and I realize Sam, (who I now smell as werewolf) was calling my name.

"Crystal! Crystal stop staring! It's weird."

"Hu? Oh sorry I tuned out momentarily. And, I'm not staring just observing."

She narrows her eyes and says

"Mh hm. Ok sure whatever you say"

I smile but it feels false. I look over to where he sat down. He was looking at me. ME! I couldn't help but feel happy that he noticed me.

"So, Sam, what is that guys name?"

Sam raised her eyebrow at me

"That's Gavin. The most popular guy in school but he's single. Why? Are you interested?"


Sam laughed at me.

"Girl you know you can't be interested in him unless you might be mates so if I where you I would just look away."

I pursed my lips, about to say something when I decided against it.

"So Sam what are you doing after school to day?"

"Planing on going to Starbucks to grab a coffee. Why did you want to come?"

" Can I come?"

She laughed a gain

"Of course you can silly! I always go there after school."

She leaned in close

"If you want, since you are new and all I was wondering if you wanted to meet the pack? Since you live here now you are pack so I just thought-"

"Let me stop you there Sam. Yes I want to meet the pack but I'm not sure if they will accept me. I mean why wouldn't they? Look at me I'm not that pretty or skilled."

Sam gasped, like REALLY loud,

"Why wouldn't they want you? You are beautiful and you look really skilled i mean at first I looked at you and thought wow that girl looks intense! And the alpha is really nice so don't doubt that they wouldn't accept you!"

Just then, we heard plastic snap and looked over to where Gavin was and we then noticed his eyes were glowing and his hand was wrapped tightly around his power-ade but the plastic was crunched and cracked and you could tell his wolf was in control.

"O-kay something got to his kool aid or should I say his power ade?"

I gave Sam a pointed look

"Okay, shutting up now."

We ate our meal in silence. As we put our food in the trash she asked

"Are you going to come meet the pack?"


Yeah I guess I could but if they don't like my I'm going to blame you."

She laughed again

"Of course they will like you!! I bet they will love you!"

We walked to the library for study hall. We walked through the door right as the bell rang signifying that 5 period had begun we sat at a desk pulled out our phones and texted each other, since we weren't allowed to talk

Sam: so wat r u going to get at star bucks?

Me: don't know maybe a Carmel frap u?

Sam: same

Me: why do u think Gavin crushed his drink in his hand?

Sam: he is nxt in line for alpha so he might not hve liked the idea of me taking you to see the alpha or not

Me: wat if he didn't like wat I said about me

Sam: why

Sam: OH that was why u were staring and he was staring back u think u might be mates?

Me: yeah when I looked in his eyes it was like heaven

Sam:OMG!!!! You found your mate! You found your mate!

Me: MIGHT it is possible that we aren't mates

Sam: whatever

"Hey!! You to! Sam and some girl I haven't seen before! NO PHONES!"

Sam and I locked eye contact we both rolled out eyes and silently decided to put our phones away so the teacher wouldn't take them from us. A guy at the table next to us started to snicker. Sam and I glared at him, effectively shutting him up.

The bell rang. We got up to head to GYM. Sam looked at me,

"Prepare to meet the meanest girl in school, Rebeca Jonson." When we got in the locker room I was given gym clothes wich, btw were UGLY! But I'm not picky I changed and then when the teacher yelled

"Come on hurry up! I don't have all day and neither do you!"

Sam along with me and all the other girls ran out to meet the


"Today we are doing wrestling so you girls will sit on the side and the boys will come out and wrestle! Now girls go swap places with the boys."

As we swap places, my shoulder hits his shoulder and what I feel is like electricity flowing through me. But right before he passed me, some strange smell hit me and then me and him slipped and some how he ended up on top of me.

He smiled when he saw my face and we would have prop ably stayed like that for eternity but one of his friends grabs him and pulls him off me. Then he said sorry and helped me up. Oh crap. I was in deep now cause Sam just pushed me down onto the bleachers.

After they were done fighting the shower bell rang and on my way to the girls locker room when the same smell hit my nose again. This time me and some random wolf slipped and I landed on top of him but I then noticed that every body was on the ground (stupid wet crap) we all heard a loud, like REALLY loud growl and it came from Gavin.

I quickly tried to get off of the poor guy I fell on, but I kept slipping and falling down when strong arms came around my waist and then there was tingles as Gavin lifted me up and placed me (securely) on my feet. We all made our way to our separate locker rooms and got changed really fast. The rest of the day went by with a blur, and before I realized it, the day was over and it was time to go to Starbucks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I know this chapter was long but I was trying to get a full sceduale in but that was really hard since I'm only in jr high and have no idea what high school students do (although I'm pretty sure I don't want to find out) please keep reading and I will try to update as fast as I can while making sure the story is good see ya!

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