Chapter 17

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Crystal's P.O.V.

I followed Jetson through the many halls to his office, with my head bowed down the entire time. I got looks of shock then followed by pity. But some of them looked mad that I was here. They probably belived what Jetson had said. When we got to his office, I walked in and he shut the door. He walked over to his desk and sat down. He motioned for me to sit in the chair across from him. I sat.

"Crystal, What happened in there? 'Cause I know that you guys weren't baking little heart shapped brownies."

"It doesn't concern you."

He stood up and slammed his hands down on his desk.

"Dammit Crystal! Just tell me what happened!"

"Naw. I'm good."

He sighed and sat back dowm.

"You and Gavin will leave tomorrow. No ifs, and, or, buts. Got it?'

"Wait, I think I got it, but tell me again I wasn't listening"

He groaned and ran his hand through his hair.

"I'm just kidding. Jeez. Calm down. I'll go tell Gavin."

"Just go."

I got up and left his office. I walked to our room and saw Gavin sitting on our bed. He had his head in his hands. He looked up when I came in. He started to say something, but I put up my hand to stop him.

"Gavin, we are leaving tomorrow. I'm going to go find Jade."

I walked out of the room and left him there with a confused look on his face.

I walked through the many halls with my head held up. I made my way through the all to familiar halls until I got to Jades room. I nocked.

The door flew open and I was crushed in a bear hug. She let go of me and pulled back.

"We have some catching up to do."

She pulled me into her room and shut the door. We sat on the bed.

"Crystal, what the hell happened in the kitchen? Jordan looked like he was going to kill someone!"

I sighed.

"He kissed me. Gavin stopped him and they got into a fight. Jetson stopped Gavin from killing Jordan."

She looked mad. Pissed actually. Then Costin burst in.

"Jade! Crystal! Three rogues just entered and they claim to know you!"

Sam. Chris. Matthew. I hope. We jumped up and ran behind Costin. We followed him towards the front of the pack house. All of us burst out the front door and what I saw made my eyes open wide.

Sam was in Matthews arms and Chris was in front of them. Ashton ran out behind us.

Sam looked like crap. Well, they all did. They were covered in mud. And grass. And leaves and sticks. But they were also soaking wet. That's why I didn't run up to them and hug 'em.

Ashton took in a sharp intake of breath. I looked back at her. Her eyes were wide open. And they were focused on Chris. She whispered,


Shit. That's not good. Jetson isn't going to allow that. He's always had a thing for her and me. I'm mated, she isn't. Well, not yet.

Chris was focused on her with intense eyes. But they were filled with love and want. Well, there goes that problem with me, him and Gavin.

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