Chapter 8

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I was so mad at Chris. He just tackled me!! He is gonna get it now!!

"Crystal just please let me explain!!!"

"No! What is there to explain? For some delusional reason, you think I'm your mate!!"

"Please don't say that! That's not true! If I'm not your mate then why do I have such strong feelings for you?"

"Because your delusional!!!!!! End Of discussion!!!"

He slammed his hands down by my arms

"Damn it Crystal! Quit saying that!"

I felt his dominance trying to take over me. He was an alpha. I pushed up and took him by surprise. He went up with me. I sneered

"Sorry Dear Alpha, but you aren't my mate. And you will never be."

He growled. Then I saw his hand come up, then he slapped me. My head jerked to the side. My cheek stung, and my head swam.

"Well, you just proved my point."

I turned my head to look at him

"No body could hurt their mate. Let alone slap them."

What he did must have sunk in with my words.

"I-I-I am so sorry Crystal, that wasn't me. It was an accident."

"Sure it was. I'm sure you didn't mean to hurt me."

I said, with venom dripping off my words along with sarcasm. I mind link Sam to come get me. Her response was


'Yes again'

'Ugh! Why me?'

'Just come on now! I'm in the woods.'

'Fine I'm coming'

"What are you doing?"

he growled. I suck my tongue out at him. Which I immediately realized was a bad choice. He grabbed my shoulders and hauled me up. He backed me up untill he had me against a tree (why me?). We glared at each other. With that he slapped me again.

Just then Sam came running out and pulled Chris away from me. He growled at her and slapped her. Chris and Sam went down and as they were fighting on the ground I was about to stop it when arms came around me. HE chuckled. I froze.

"Miss me sweetheart?"

I shivered. He dragged me in his arms across the pack line. I cant use the pack link any more. I screamed out as loud as I could.

"Sam!!!!! Chris!!!! Help me!"

Both of their heads shot up. Sam's eyes widened. She and Chris scrambled to get off of each other. they were about to run towards me, but then he put one hand under neath my jaw and the other one on my neck.

"One more step and I will snap her neck!!!"

They stopped moving. I looked to the side of them and my eyes widened. I tried to motion with my head to look that way but it was to hard since his hands were on my head/neck. Just then, the 10 rogues I saw came at them and tackled them to the ground. I squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp and he tightened his grip.'I gasped in pain. Suddenly he pulled out a rag soaked with ether and put it against my mouth and my nose. I breathed it in on accident and as my vision began to darken, I saw that Chris was already out. and Sam was still fighting, but that wouldn't last long. My vision went dark and the last thing I saw was the ground coming closer.


As I came to, I tried to move my hands but as I tried to, my hands burned. I looked around and saw that I was in the woods, deep in the woods. Sam and Chris were tied against the tree the same way. Sam was still out of it and Chris was visible struggling against the silver chains. One of the rogues threw wolfs bane on him to get him to stop struggling. My eyes widened in terror. One of them looked at me and noticed I was awake. He sneered and walked over to me. His 'friends' didn't notice. He crouched down in front of me and put his hand on my chin to make me look at him. He chuckled.

"You'll make a fine breeding machine,"

My eyes widened even more. This time I was the one to struggle against the chains, even though it hurt. He shook his head and chuckled.

"You and I are going to have some fun."

I started to panic. I don't want to be come a breeding machine! why oh why did the moon goddes make it so we could only mind link in our territory! The leader yelled,

"Paul! Stop giving our plans away! We might have to do them sooner."

He smirked at me. My throat was sore from breathing in that ether. That was when Sam yelled out,

"Let me go now!!! You cant do this! This is wrong!"

Her voice turned to pleading. That was when I noticed a rogue in front of her. He must have told her the same thing Paul told me. Me and my wolf were getting really scared and we wanted our mate Gavin back. Sam started to cry

"Please let me go! I didn't do anything to you! I just want to see my family."

Chris was so close to getting out when some one dumped a lot of wolfs bane on him and made his skin steam. One rogue that had thick leather gloves on made Chris's chains tighter. I winced for him knowing that that must have been painful. Paul chuckled. He lightly tossed my chin away, moving my face to the side. He leaned in against my ear.

"I cant wait to get started with you. and if you behave, I'll make sure I get you all to myself."

I promised myself to not cry, but I could tell that that promise wasn't going to last long. He got up and walked back to the fire. When I made sure no one was watching, I broke down and started crying. Then I passed out from the ehaustion of struggling so hard.


A/n whoa I really have a messed up mind sometimes. (Not as messed up as other people, but if you knew me, you'd say I have a messed up mind😳

Gavin's POV

I don't know how, but I felt it immediately after Crystal passed the territory line. Maybe because we are mates. Any way, I followed her sent, and when I got to a clearing by the line, I caught her sent with Sam and, Chris? Then I smelled something even more confusing. Then when I realized that what I smelled was the Sam rogue who tried to hurt my mate at Starbucks. I screamed out in frustration when I realized her sent disappeared. I was so mad that for once in my life, my wolf took over, and i shifted and ran over the pack line searching for her sent, wen I felt little pricks pelt my left side. My vision darkened and suddenly every thing was dark.


Dun dun dun!!!!! I'll try to update soon as one of my readers keeps messaging me to update *cough izzywolfgirl cough*

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