Chapter 19 part 1

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Chris's POV

Gavin stood up and hugged Crystal. She looked broken.

Ashton stirred. Then a girl that looked a lot like my mate ran in by her side. She screamed,

"Ashton! What happened in to her?"

Then she looked at me. Her eyes darkened.

"Did you do this to my sister?"

I scowled.

"I would never hurt my mate."

A look of surprise came over her face. Then anger.

"Did Jordan do it?"

Gavin and I growled at the mention of his name. Crystal groaned in pain. Gavin held onto her tighter. She sighed.

"I knew it. He and Jetson had always had a thing for her. And Crystal."

We growled again. Ashton woke up and looked up at me. She smiled. I smiled back. Her voice sounded rough.

"What's your name?"

"My names Chris. I already know your name Ashton."

She looked over to her sister. She sat up and hugged her.

"Oh Ashley! Where were you? You didn't come out with me! I was worried about you!"

Ashley looked down. She looked ready to cry.

"I-i-I-it doesn't matter."

Then she looked up at me.

"Take care of my twin for me. You hurt her I will hurt you."

They were twins? That explains why they look a lot alike.

"I will. Don't worry about that."

Then Sam and Matthew came running in. They had showered to. She ran up to Crystal and hugged her.

"Oh my gosh! What happened? Why are you in the pack hospital?"

"I'm fine now-"

Gavin wrapped his arms around her again.

"You are definitely NOT ok. Crystal. I'm going to kill that asshole Jordan!"

She just sighed.

"Shouldn't we call your dad and tell him where we are first?"

"Oh. I forgot about that. Yeah, we will call him as soon as I find a phone."

Ashley dug into her pocket. She brought out a pink iPhone 5. She handed it to him. He took it.


"Your so welcome."

Crystal growled and glared at her. Gavin rolled his eyes. He dialed his father and put it on speaker. He answered.


"Dad, it's me-"

"Oh my gosh! Gavin baby is that you? Where are you? And where is Sam and Crystal!"

"Mom! Calm down! I'm in Idaho-"

"How the hell are you in Idaho Gavin? We are in Texas!"

"John! Shut up and let me speak! All of us are fine! We are going to come back in a few days. Alright?"

Gavin's dad sighed.

"Ok fine. As long as you take care."

Gavin said bye and ended the call. I asked,

"Who's John?"

"He's my future beta. Should we tell my dad what happened here?"

Crystal shook her head.

"They will start a war. We can't have a war going on. It won't end well."


Gavin's POV

"That's true Gavin. If we start a war, we could hurt a lot of people that don't deserved to be hurt."

Darn it. My dad is gonna be mad that I didn't tell him though. A plan started to form in my head. Matthew looked really uncomfortable about something.

"Hey Matt, what's wrong?"

"Oh, just something I remembered that the leader of my old group said."

Sam frowned.

"You didn't tell me about anything they said."

"I know. Because I didn't think it would matter to say anything until now."

We all subconsciously leaned forward. He took a deep breath.

"The rogues that I was with before I ran away, they said that all of them were planning on going to war with a certain pack."

Crystal scoffed.

"How could that not matter until now?"

"It's matters now, because, well, you see-"

"Just spit it out Matthew!"

He glared at Sam.

"The pack that they were planing on attacking was this pack."

We were all silent. Then Ashton spoke up.

"We have to tell Jetson."

Chris growled. Ashton put a hand on his cheek.

"It's all right."

Crystal snorted. I glared at her. Chris's eyes were turning black. She put her hands up in surrender.

"It's not my fault that Jetson doesn't know when to leave girls alone!"

Chris growled at her this time. Causing me to growl at him, causing Ashton to growl at me. Then Crystal started to growl at her. Sam cleared her throat.

"Ok, me and Matthew can tell him while you guys try to not kill each other. Kapesh?"

Crystal rolled her eyes.

"Whatever floats your boat."

Sam glared at her. I rolled my eyes.

"Just go before anything happens."


Another switch up. Whats with me today?


Sam's POV

Matthew and I went to go find the shitty excuse of an alpha. After about 10 minutes we finally found him and his office. He had his head in his hands. Matthew knocked and his head lifted up. He glared at us.

"What do you two want?"

I looked over to Matt.

"Well then I guess he doesn't want to know. Or, care. Let's just go."

I grabbed his had and we made our way back to the pack doctor. Every one was getting ready to leave. Then Jade burst into the room. She was breathing heavily.

"Come, look, at, what's, going, on, out, side"

Poor girl couldn't even form a complete sentence without taking deep breaths. We all got up and followed Jade to her room. She motioned us towards the window. When we looked, I drew in a breath. Out side, there was about 4 rows of rogues lined up. Matthew studdered,

"Did I forget to mention that it was today?"

We all glared at him. Then Jade's mate Costin ran into the room.

"Guys, we have to take all the woman and children to our bunker. We're at war."


Ok, that was bad huh. My phone broke so I wont be able to do a whole lot. It wont turn on anymore. I will have to get a new phone. Poo. Here is a new chap for you guys. as soon as I write part 2 i will publish it.


Sorry Dear AlphaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin