Chapter 5

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Crystals POV

We smelled him and his friends just seconds before they came crashing through the windows, and the door every body screamed. It turned out that we were the only werewolves here just my luck. The leader yelled

"Every body out except you three!"

Just my luck. He was pointing at us. I just yelled

"Nuhu! Nope we are leaving and there is nothing you can do about it."

Sam and Walter looked at me with shock written on there faces. Every one was gone now except for us and the "pack" of rogues. I walked towards the exit with Sam and Walter right be hind me. Then suddenly he was there, booking the only exit and I for one did not want to crawl through a window. He sneered.

"You will do what I say. Now get back over there."

"And if I don't?"

Sam and Walter were staring at me as I got on my tippy toes and pushed my face into his, making him back up

"If you don't,"

He sneered again

"Then I will make you."


I was fuming! How dare he decide to boss me around? Just then he grabbed my arm with an iron fist and as he was about to push me so hard I would go flying, Gavin, came crashing through one of those glass walls and when he noticed the rogue's hand on me he lost it, like REALLY lost it he shifted right there and ran and tackled him, but be cause the rogue was caught off guard, he didn't have time to reales my arm so I went down with them. Just then, as I got out of that rogues grip Sam screamed. I noticed that another rogue had pinned her under neath him and was holding a wicked looking knife.

I ran and knocked him off of her tight as I got tackled my another rogue and I turned my head to see that Walter was pined against the wall and Sam was crying as she was held down by a rogue. I looked at the rogue on top of me and all I saw were his hands coming towards my face to suffocate me. I screamed. And then his hands came down over my mouth and my nose. I couldn't breathe. I would have hurt him but I couldn't feel my arms any more my vision started to go black when suddenly his hands came off my face, I took long breathes to get air into my lungs when I saw them coming down again I screamed for Gavin but only the first part of his name came out. I realized he was torturing me. I look in one direction and I saw Gavin runing towards me but then my vision went dark and the last thing I saw was that rogues hands come off my face.

Gavin's POV

I ran through the glass wall to see a rogues hand on my mate and then I shifted and ran towards him I knocked him down and watched my mate wriggle a way from him. I heard Sam scream but I didn't get of of the rogue who thought that he could touch my mate and get away with it. Then he threw me off him and shifted right there. We circled each other then I heard my mate scream. I turned to find out why and suddenly he had his jaws locked around my throat. I knew then that he wasn't trying to kill, me just block of my air way I got out of his grasp and stuck him in the side. Then I heard my mate scream the first part of my mate when her voice became muffled I saw her look up at me and then I noticed when she blacked out. I ran and pushed the dumb rogue off my mate. I shifted back and tried to get her to wake up but she wouldn't. Just the strongest wolves in my pack came to help

'It's about time!'

My wolf growled. I nodded in agreement they scared off all of the rogues and then I noticed that Walter was down on the ground unconcious. And that on of the pack was helping Sam to her feet. I looked down at her and picked her up bride style. For some reason, when wolves shifted and then shifted back, our pants stayed on but our shirts got torn up. I looked down at Crystal in my arms and again was taken back by her beautiful features. She had long wavy blonde hair with caramel high lights in her hair when we got loaded in the pack Hummers I took her straight to the pack doctor Stella. She looked up, looked at me then down at Crystal in my arms. She immediately went to work and said that she was passed out and that she would be fine. I sat in the chair by her bed and then I fell asleep watching my beautiful mate breathe.


Thanks! I hoped you liked it. I will try to update soon thanks ciao!(Italian for bye!)

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