Chapter 15

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I'm feeling generous. here is another chapter.


Jetson's P.O.V

How did I not recognize her? Its probably because she was covered in his sent. I mind linked Jade to go show them to their room that they were going to stay in. I knew when I kicked her out, that a lot of people were mad, including my parents. But they didn't say anything for the fear of me punishing them. I could see on their faces that they hated me. They still do. But everything is weighing down on me because there isn't a Luna here to help. So if they had said something, I wouldn't have been able to do anything about it. I pushed out from my desk and ran my fingers through my midnight black hair.

I walked out of my office and down the many halls in the house, until I reached the door I've always come to if I needed help. I knocked. The door opened to reveal my mom. Her gaze softened.

"What's wrong Jet?"

I sighed.

"Mom, Crystal came back, b-"

She cut me off.

"Well that's wonderful news! We can let her back into the pack! I need to tell John!"

she turned her head and yelled,

"John!!! Come here quick!"

"I'm coming woman! Calm down."

When he saw me his gaze hardened.

"Well, what do you want boy?"

"Crystals' come back! He's going to let her back into the pack!"

"Mom! Calm down. I'm not letting her back into the pack! She is in the Texas pack now with her mate!"

Mom looked shocked. Then her eyes filled with tears.

"Jet, you do realize, we are no where near Texas right? You kidnapped her and her mate? Do you know that the alpha of the Texas pack could declare war, and kill us?"

I ran my fingers through my hair again.

"No, mom, They cam into our territory of their own free will. I need to call Alpha Peterson to see if his son and his mate are there. Because if they aren't, they are here."

She made an oh motion with her mouth. then her face brightened.

"Well then, I have got to see her and say hi. Now move over!"

She pushed my out of the way and marched into the direction of their room.


Crystal's P.O.V

Jade just left us alone. I sat down on the chair at the desk, while Gavin fell asleep on the bed. I tilted my head back and spun around in circles with my eyes closed. I was doing that for about 5 min. when the door flew open. I quickly stood up right be fore I was crushed in a big hug. I managed to get out,

"Help. crushing me!"

"Oh! sorry!"

She set me down and then I saw who it was. It was Luna Isabella. Jetson's mom. she wrapped me into a gentler hug, one that didn't crush me.

"Oh Crystal! We've missed you so much! Your so much bigger than I remember!!!"

She let me go then looked at something behind me. Then Gavin put his arms around me. Isabella's eyes shined with pride. Then she stuck out her hand for Gavin to shake. He took it and introduced him self.

"Hi. I'm Gavin Porter."

"Hello Gavin. I'm Luna Isabella, but you call me Bella."


Then she winked at me.

"You've got yourself quite a looker."

My jaw dropped to the floor. Gavin chuckled as he out a finger under my chin to lift it back up. I turned back around and glared at him. He chuckled again. I was about kick his manhood, when my old friend Ashley came running in screaming and tackled me in a big hug. Right behind her was her twin Ashton. They wrapped me into a big bear hug. Then Jade came running in with her mate Costin right behind her. They also joined into the group hug. I yelled,


They all muttered sorrys. Ashley was crying, and Ashton was trying to comfort her. Jade was just content with looking at me with a smile on her face. Costin spoke up finaly.

"Its good to see you again Crystal."

I smiled.

"Its good to see you as well Costin."

Gavin wrapped his arms around me again. I walked forward with Gavin still attached to me laughing. I walked up infront of Jade and Costin. I pulled his hand to shake with Costin. Jade did the same thing.

"Hey. I'm Gavin.'

"I'm Costin."

Jade butted in.

"Oh how I hate to break up,"

Costin snorted.

",this budding bromance, but we have to go. Right, Ashley and Ashton?"

Wow. Subtle Jade. Really subtle. Ashton took immediate action.

"Right! I have to paint mine ans Ashley's nails."

As they walked out, all three girls winked at me. Gavin let me go and shut the door be hind them he jumped on the bed and landed on his back. Then he fell asleep, leaving my alone. Jerk

I turned of the light then sat at the desk and turned on the lamp. A soft glow emitted out from it. I sat there doodling on my paper till it was midnight. By then, I had fallen asleep twice. I got up and laid on the bed. As soon as I had laid down, Gavin wrapped his arms around my waist. I slept soundly for the remainder of the night.

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