Chapter 31

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~5 months later~


Screaming out in pain, I did as Jade told me, and pushed. The contraction ended and I slumped, panting. Gavin whipped my forehead with a cool damp was cloth. Another contraction hit.

"Push Crystal push! Almost there! Keep going!"

"I'm going!"

I screamed out again as I pushed yet again. I felt something give way and a beautiful crying sound filled the room. I slumped back down on the bed, and laughed in relief. I looked up at Gavin who was looking down at me with love and adoration.

"I am never having another kid in my life."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. Jade reached over to me, and placed him in my arms. She asked me,

"What's his name?"

"Elijah John Porter."

I smiled down at the bundle of joy in my arms. He was looking up at me with Gavin's brown eyes. I cooed at him.

"Hey Elijah. You have your daddy's eyes."

He giggled, and then his eyes slowly closed. I rocked him as he slept in my arms. Gavin sat down behind me, and wrapped me in his arms.

"He's beautiful."

I looked up at Gavin.

"He gets it from you."

Gavin smiled and slowly kissed me on the lips. I smiled into the kiss, an pulled away. My head fell against Gavin's chest as I fell asleep, his arms holding me and Elijah.


A/N: I wish I could end it here, but there is less than 300 words so, no. Let's keep going.


I smiled as I fed Elijah. He was a gift of joy, and every one was so excited and happy for us. He laughed, some of his apple sauce falling from his lips. I placed the small spoon under his lip and put it back in his mouth. Jade hobbled in, four months pregnant with a boy. I smiled at her, and she looked at me flatly.

"Don't smile at me! I haven't done a single thing!"

I rolled my eyes. Her hormones hated her more than me. Sam walked in after her, also four months pregnant with a boy.

"You know Sam, Crystal, we always said I would be the first one to get pregnant. But no!Crystal just had to get pregnant before me! Now I have to deal with this!"

She plopped down on the chair beside me, whining.

"Poor Costin. He has to put up with you."

Jade flipped off Sam.

"I am a delightful person actually!"

I snorted, laughing at Elijah. He had thrown his sauce all over his face. I grabbed a wet towel and wiped it off of him. Sam and Jade kept arguing. I ignored them, and picked Elijah up out of his high chair. I held him in my arms and walked into Gavin's and my room. I placed him down on his crib, after rocking him to sleep.

I looked down at him, with a small smile on my face. Arms wrapped around my waist, and I leaned back into the sparks. Gavin kissed the top of my head. We stood there, watching Elijah sleep.

"He's perfect."

"That's because you are his mother."

I smiled up at Gavin, and he kissed me. We were one happy family, and we wouldn't have to worry about any one. Not Stella, not Daniel, no one. Nothing could tear apart our family.


O. M. G. I'm done!! This story is over! But stay put, cause there will be an epilogue ;) And as soon as I post the epilogue, Daniel's Revenge will be up! I can't wait ahhhhhhh

Can I just squeal now? Please?

Double update! I love you all, and I bet you all love me! See you soon! Well maybe. I'm hanging out with friends tonight. I'm like soooo happy because this is the first time I will be out of my house ever since the concussion!!

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