Chapter 10

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Crystal POV

We are all frozen in fear. I was looking at a vicious rogue standing in the doorway, his eyes were pitch black, but what sacred me the worst, was, he was looking straight at Sam.


Oooooooooooo cliff hanger!!!!! It that big of one but still! The rest of this chapter will be about Gavin, because I need to put more thought into the story, and doing a lot more for Gavin is sure to do just that!! Anywho, back to the story!!!!!! Oh and wish my little brother luck, he is still in the hospital and he will need all the luck he can get!Btw that is also why it is taking me for ever to update


Gavin's POV

This time, when I woke I knew exactly what I was going to do. I was going to escape and find Crystal. It was the only thing that mattered right now, as long as she came home alive. I was about to jump up, when I finally felt the bands wrapped around my arms, my legs, and my mid section. I started to thrash. I could feel the bands start to stretch, so I pull at them harder. Then arms came around me and held me down. My eyes are wide open now. 6 grown men are struggling to keep me down. Then I feel a calming presence come on the room, and immediately know that it is the Luna, but of what pack? I relax, and then the men let me go. The alpha walked in behind her. That was when I noticed, he was Hispanic, with jet black shaggy hair, and dark brown eyes, that had a certain look in them that said, 'mess with me and I'll kill you'.

The Luna on the other hand, had soft chocolate brown hair, with warm coffee colored eyes, with a warm smile. They complemented each other, just like the way I hoped Crystal and I would. That thought mad me sad, and by the way the Luna's face scrunched up in worry, I could tell she felt it. The alpha walked over to me and looked down at me with a scowl.
"What are you doing here on MY land?"

I scowled back at him. Then I said threw clenched teeth,

"I'm looking for my mate."

He scoffed.

"Isn't that what all male werewolves look for?"

My scowl deepened.

"No, I'm looking for my mate that was taken by rogues."

The Luna gasped and ran over to me.

"Was that why you were trying so hard to get out?"


The alpha scowled again. But this time, it wasn't for me.

"Why would the rogues go after your mate? That doesn't make sense."

I mumbled,

"It would make sense if the rogues were trying to get back at you for stopping their attack on your pack."

He scowled. The Luna spoke.

"Well, my name is Anny, and this is my mate, Charles. "

Charles scowled again. What was up with him and scowling?

"Well, what is your name and what pack do you belong to?"

"My name is Gavin Porter, and I'm from the Texas pack."

One state had one pack, but the alpha lived in the Capitol of the state. Charles frowned.

"What are you doing all the way here in Washington then?"
I froze. How did I go that far? Now there was no way to get back to Texas in time to save Crystal.

"What is your mates name?"


"Oh that's a pretty name."

Anny came closer.

"Can you describe what she looks like for me?"

"She has ice blue eyes, and she has long blonde hair with Carmel highlights. She is about 5'9 5'10, and is calm and very nice to everybody."

Everybody was silent. Well, thanks for that vote of confidence. All of a sudden, I got a wave of fear from Crystal.


Yeah yeah I know small but honestly I don't feel like doing a thing.

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